chapter 24

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(saturday may 4th, 2019)
it's currently saturday, mike's weekend but also devan's graduation and my date with dean. i got to my nana's house after work last night and no one mentioned mike. i think laura and my nana knew what happened though.
"addison goodwin...collin newton...devan o'connor." the announcer says.

everyone screams and claps as they call devan's name. he finally graduated. i never thought he would make it to this point. i love my cousin but he's a dumb ass. he literally paid people to do his homework because he was too busy going to ever rodeo he could get tickets to, to bull ride or watch others bull ride.

i graduate on may 25th but i get out of school 2 weeks before graduation so my last day is friday. this whole week we're testing though so after the test i can leave and i'm done with school. i'm so tired of that place.

they call the rest of devan's grade before we're released. we go outside and wait for devan to come out the back doors so we can take pictures.

my phone starts ringing and when i pull it out of my pocket i quickly decline it and then text dean.

me: i'm at dev's graduation

dean😐: when does it end

me: we're taking pictures and then i can leave

dean😐: hurry uuuup

me: aww do you miss me that much

dean😐: yes so get your beautiful ass here

i read his text but didn't have time to reply since my family wanted a picture of devan and i together. i'm supposed to be spending time with my family right now anyways.

i realize, as i was texting dean, that i had to somehow tell my mom i got a new job.

after she met dean we talked the next night and she loves him. she said he's respectful and as long as i don't start slacking in school then she's fine with him.

what do i tell her though? i work for a mafia that was trying to find my sperm donor and they killed him? that's real comforting for my mother. i thought about telling her it's a job in a warehouse dealing with orders and shipments. obviously that's the one i'm more leaning towards of course.

it's not lying either hudson does have a bunch of warehouses where shipments are, of drugs and guns but she don't need to know that. i wouldn't be working in the warehouse but she don't need to know that either. i'm a horrible daughter. i'm always lying to her and sneaking out.
me: where we meeting again? the graduations over

dean😐: you were the one that told me the plan darling

me: fuck off <3
me: i have short term memory loss

dean😐: my house
dean😐: fuck me instead
dean😐: and hurry up and get here

me: don't rush me

dean😐: ugh

me: hush

"where are you headed now?" my mom asks me.

"back to nanny's." i lie and she nods.

"okay be safe please." she says.

"i will." i tell her.

"we partying tomorrow?" devan asks quietly as he hugs me.

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