chapter 32

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(wednesday, june 10th 2019)

dean was doing better now. he was released from the hospital section of his parents mansion a few days ago and ever since he's been at home recovering.

he didn't want to though. he wanted to be back working but i told him to take a few days off and he finally agreed. my man is very stubborn.

today was the first time i had been home since dean had gotten shot. normally i would be home while dean was working but i was worried about him and wanted to take care of him.

since he's doing fine he told me to go home for a bit. he knew i missed my mom and i felt bad for always being gone because she was by herself.

my mom never remarried after she left mike so when i wasn't home she was alone with our dogs. it's so sad coming home to an empty house but she doesn't mind. she wants me to enjoy myself but i still would like to see her.

"i figured you'd be out tonight so i didn't lay out anything for dinner." my mom says coming into the kitchen.

"it's okay we can just order something." i say.

"are you and dean okay? you're normally with him." she asks.

"yeah we're fine i just hadn't been home in a while." i tell her and she hugs me.

"you don't have to worry about me honey. i'm okay, you're growing up and i can't expect you to always be home. of course i love you being home and you can always come back home but don't feel like you have to." she says and kisses my head.

"i know momma. i love you." i say as i hug her back.
"i miss you." dean says. we were currently on fscetime because someone is clingy.

just kidding i love him.

"i've been with you for a week straight." i say and he frowns.

"so you don't miss me?" he asks pouting.

"of course i do giraffe." i tell him.

"when are you coming back over?" he asks and i laugh.

"i just left." i remind him and he rolls his eyes.

"and it's been too long. will you come over tomorrow?" he asks.

"yes. how are you feeling?" i ask him.

"i'm fine honestly." he says.

"have you changed your bandage, cleaned the wound, and taken care of it?" i ask him and he nods.

"you act like i'm not a grown man." he says.

"well you aren't. you still make poor decisions like a child." i tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"you're never gonna let me live this down are you? yes i was shot but i'm still alive." he says.

"you wouldn't have been shot at all have you been more careful. you could be dead." i tell him.

"yes baby i know but i'm not." he says. i know i was annoying him but i was still so worried about him.

"im sorry i annoy you." i tell him.

"you just care and i know that. you haven't experienced me hurt before and it's gonna take time to get used to. you know i'm a heir to a mafia but you don't really understand what that entails until you see it." he says.

"thank you for understandin. you're so patient." i say and he smiles.

"i try to understand your perspective on things rather than just my own." he tells me. "i miss you."

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