chapter 29

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(friday, may 24th 2019)

"straighten your arms." i tell one of the recruits. he does but he's so stiff that his aim is horrible. i continue to work with him until my phone rings.

"okay try on your own." i tell him and go answer my phone.

"hello giraffe." i say.

"hi sweetheart. how's it going?" he asks.

"it's goin." i say and he laughs.

"what are you doing tonight?" he asks.

"dev has a rodeo." i tell him.

"oh." he says sounding upset.

"i would invite you but my family will be there." i tell him.

"that's fine with me. didn't you say your uncle might like me?" he asks.

"we aren't gonna do this right now, i'll talk to you later." i tell him.

"do not hang up on me lilith." he says sternly so i don't. "why are you so afraid of him knowing about me? are you embarrassed of me?"

"what no! i'm just scared dean." i say quietly.

"i'm sorry i shouldn't be so upset about this." he says.

"you have emotions it's okay." i say and he sighs.

"i really want this to work lilith." he says.

"i do too but you know it won't. i'm leavin." i say.

"have fun." dean says and hangs up without letting me answer or anything. okay then.
the rodeo wasn't the same.

it was exciting and i loved it like always. devan's at his happiest when he's on a bull and all the attentions on him and i knew that but i kept thinking of dean so after the rodeo instead of going out with my family i rushed to my truck.

dean's obviously upset and i needed to talk to him but he wasn't answering. he had a right to be upset, his emotions are valid i just wish i knew why so here i was heading to his house to get my answer.

i wave at the security and they let me in but i don't see dean's car in the driveway. he drives his audi so much it's never in the garage so he probably wasn't home but i head inside to check anyways.

"dean!" i yell as i enter but get no answer. the dogs come running to me and i pet them. "where's daddy at huh?" i ask them like they can answer.

i wander to the kitchen, then his office, then his home gym, and then his room but he's no where so i head back to my truck and down the driveway.

"do you know where dean is?" i ask his security.

"no ma'am he left about an hour ago in a rush." he tells me.

"oh thanks anyway." i say and the guy smiles at me nodding. i roll up the window and call dom. dean gave me his number for emergencies but this seemed important.

"dominic matteo speaking." he answers and i almost laugh at how professional that sounded.

"dom it's lilith." i say.

"oh hi babes! how are you?" he asks.

"okay umm do you know where dean is?" i ask him.

"uh i can check." he says and i hear him typing. "he' his bar? tin roof."

"thank you so much." i tell him.

"of course. are y'all okay?" he asks.

"i upset him earlier and he hasn't been answerin since." i tell him.

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