chapter 25

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(sunday, may 5th 2019)

"wake up." i say to dean and kiss his shoulder. he's laying on his stomach with his head under the pillow while i'm laying on top of him.

"fuck off." he mumbles.

"rude ass, i'm bored." i tell him and move the pillow off his head to bite his ear. "give me attention."

"we have two dogs to give you attention." he tells him smiling.

"but i want your attention." i tell him and i stand up on the bed and start jumping. he sits up quickly and tackles me onto the bed. "i think you just broke my ribs."

"you're so dramatic." he says smiling and kisses my cheek.

"good mornin." i say and wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"good morning sweetheart." he mumbled into my neck.

"what are you doin today?" i ask him messing with his hair.

"working, working out i don't know ill figure it out." he says and places an innocent kiss on my neck.

"do you want to spend the day together? i'm leavin at 5 to get izzy to amanda at 6 though." i tell him.

"what if we picked up izzy now and go to the mall?" he asks sitting up and looking at me with an adorable look on his face.

"yes but we have to take my truck since you don't have a backseat." i tell him.

"you don't have one either." he points out.

"yes but i drive a truck not a sports car it's safer for izzy and you only have two seats so it still wouldn't work." i tell him.

"i have a mustang which has a backseat." he says.

"no it's still a sports car and my truck is safer." i tell him.

"you're going to be an amazing mom." he tells me and smiles.

"thank you." i say and lean forward to kiss him. it started off as a gentle simple kiss but turned into a make out session in no time. i love kissing him.

after a little bit we both pull away to finally breath and he smiles at me.

"i'm gonna go get ready." he tells me and hits my butt as he places a kiss on my forehead before standing up and stretching.

he's only in grey calvin klein boxers so when he stands up it shows me his beautiful tattooed body. i want to kiss every tattoo he has.

when dean finally makes it into the bathroom i get up and go downstairs where the dogs are. as i run around they chase me and when nova catches up to me, she stands up and knocks me forward basically tackling me. she's just like her father.

dean then comes running down the stairs in a panic.

"are you okay?" he asks coming up to me and sitting on the floor next to me.

"yes. i was playin with our children." i tell him and he smiles.

"all i heard was a bunch of noise and i got scared." he mumbled as he kisses my head.

"don't worry if someone tried to hurt me i'd be a lot louder and throw punches as long as they don't grab my arms again." i say thinking back to the bar night.

"trust me i know you throw punches." he says and his hand goes to his face where i punched him once. "i'm so sorry about that. i had no right to ever say it."

"dean it's fine." i tell him and peck him on the lips and he smiles.

"i'm gonna go finish getting ready, are you ready?" he asks me and i nod.

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