chapter 12

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a/n: part 2
friday april 19th 2019
"it's just a house?" dean asks me as he sees my facial expression.

"that's not just a house dean." i say struggling to talk. "that's the house i grew up in. mike lives with my nana now because a tornado hit it. i don't know if mike ever fixed it since we still live with my nana." i tell him.

that's the house mike hit me in, threw my mom down the stairs in, punched his many girlfriends in the face in. there was still blood on the wall before the tornado from him slamming my head into it.

"do you know where this house is?" he asks me.

"not really but if mike ever got it fixed the windows would have came from here and those payment books have the address in them." i say.

dean picks up the four note books and opens the first one.

"it's in code." he says.

"huh?" i ask him.

"we do payments in code so no one can read them." he tells me.

"this is a glass business not a mafia." i tell him.

"exactly. so why are payments in code?" he asks me and i shrug. no wonder i couldn't read them.

"i've written down payments before when i come to work with mike on saturdays. there's a key to what all these payments and letters mean at the front desk to help me since i don't know it. if i can get it then we can translate it." i tell him.

dean nods and pulls out his phone and starts taking pictures of the pages. i do the same and it takes us about 20 minutes to get through all the books.

as we're putting the books up i hear someone walking up the steps outside.

"shit someone's comin." i say and shut the drawer back. i grab the picture of my old childhood house and put it in my pocket as dean and i run behind the office door, as the guy enters and stumbles around. we slip out from behind the door and sprint out the door to the fence next to the building.

this wasn't a normal fence it was about 6 feet tall. dean picks me up and helps me get over it before pulling himself over and we both jump down from it. we were at the back of the property by the creek so we had to do some walking through the woods to get out.

"listen." dean says and we both quit walking. it was quiet except for the sound of someone or something walking. dean wraps his arm around my waist and pulls out his gun. from the corner of my eye i see something running towards us. i turn around and see a rottweiler.

dean's grip around my waist tightens but i push his arm off of me and look at the gun.

"no." i say strictly. the baby rottweiler was just standing there looking at us. it lets out a small bark but sounded more like a whine. "come here baby." i say to it and crotch down. it very slowly and cautiously walks, well limps, over to me and when it's in arms reach i slowly put out my hand. it smells my hand and then allows me to pet it. it's a boy.

"hi buddy." i baby talk him and pick him up. he licks my hand and snuggles into my chest. his paw was bleeding slightly and he looks like he hasn't been fed. he has no fat and is just skin and bones.

"we're taking him with us." dean says from behind me. he pets the puppy in my arms and smiles down at him. the puppy licks dean's hand and starts to get a little more playful.

"well duh we can't just leave him out here." i say to him. dean places his hand on my back and we slowly walk out of the woods with the rottweiler in my arms.

we eventually make it out of the woods and dean texts his men, and maya and kaitlynn, that we are leaving. before i can even, at least, wipe off the puppies feet dean's already got him in the back of his mustang.

"he's dirty." i tell dean but he shrugs.

"i don't care." he says.

we get in the mustang and head back to dean's house. the puppy lays down in the backseat and goes to sleep on dean's hoodie as we drive to his house.

"so what are we gonna do with him?" dean asks me.

"i don't really know but he's not staying outside anymore, he deserves so much better." i tell dean.

"he can stay with me." dean offers.

"are you sur-"

"lilith. your mom won't allow you to have another dog, the shed isn't big enough for a dog his size to live in, he's not staying outside with the other dogs, and he's not going to a shelter either so...he can stay with me. we found him together and if i minded i wouldn't offer. like you said, nova could get lonely." he says smirking.

"okay but then i'm financially responsible for him." i tell dean and he glares.

"hell no." he says.

"but-" i say but he interrupts again .

"shush we're now co-parenting him so i'm now spoiling him like nova." he tells me.

"what if nova don't like him?" i ask.

"she will i have a good feeling about this." dean tells me.

"if you're sure." i say and he nods.

"i am and you can of course come visit anytime. i'll tell the guards to just let you in." he says and i smile looking back at the...our puppy. he needs a bath and a vet. i pull out my phone and start looking up vets.

"his vet appointment is at 10:30am tomorrow at brentwood veterinary clinic." i tell dean. "that's basically halfway from east nashville and franklin."

"you going to your nana's?" he asks me.

"yeah i'm goin to see izzy." i tell him.

"so what are we naming the puppy?" he asks me.

"hunt?" i ask him. "he was found in the woods.

"muddy?" dean suggests.

"muddy." i say nodding.
when we get to dean's i carry muddy inside while following dean inside. we're giving muddy a bath because he desperately needs one.

"we'll give him one in my room." dean tells me.

"are you sure? you don't like peo-"

"again if i wasn't sure i wouldn't have said anything." dean says interrupting me for the third time.

"quit doin that." i tell him. he chuckles and we go upstairs to his room.

we run muddy a bath and then place his tiny body in the water. he starts whining and splashing everywhere but luckily the bathtub was deep enough that no water was getting anywhere.

"conosco l'amore, mi dispiace tesoro." dean says to muddy and pets his head as i massage the puppy shampoo into his fur. i have no clue what he's saying but from the way he said it, i know he's sweet talking muddy.(i know love, i'm sorry baby)
"get home safely." dean says opening my truck door for me.

"thank you. make sure to have muddy at his vet appointment tomorrow. don't be late." i tell him pointing my finger at him. he smirks and stares down at my finger pointing at him.

"continue pointing that finger at me with that tone and see what happens darling." dean says, his voice low. i smirk and step closer to him still pointing at him. his eyes harden and he pushes me against the side of my truck with his hand around my throat. this time he wasn't choking me, just had it resting there as he glared down at me.

"don't test me sweetheart. now get in the damn truck and get home. it's late and you shouldn't be out at this hour." he tells me and then let's go of me.

i roll my eyes and push him away from me. with a shocked experience, he stumbles back a bit. i get in my truck and close the door, looking back at him. he smirks at me and i flip him off driving away. i see him slightly smile in the rearview mirror and i shake my head.

well looks like i'm coparenting a puppy with dean. what could go wrong?

a/n: i suck at updating i'm sorry

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