chapter 4

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(saturday april 6th 2019)

"lilith wake up!" mike yells at me barging into the UT room.

the UT room is a room with a bunch of tennessee vols merchandise everywhere. my pop loved the tennessee volunteers so this room was basically dedicated to him. it also had izzy's toys in it so they weren't all over the living room. it has a twin bed in it though and that's where i sleep when i have to see mike.

"what?" i ask sitting up half asleep. oh shit.

mike then grabs a handful of my hair and yanks my head.

"fix the damn attitude you little bitch." he says glaring at me. "you're comin to work with me. i need the extra help and my helper just quit." he let go of my hair and pushes my head away knocking it on the headboard. that hurt fucker.

great now i have to go to work with him after what happened last night. i fucking hate it here.

dom brought me home last night after we stopped at his house. i seen adalyn again and she made me shower immediately. i guess she could tell i was uncomfortable. any other time i would have denied showering somewhere other than my house but last night was different.

i also didn't get home last night until 3am and it's only 8:30 so i'm exhausted. this was also the fifth guy to quit as being mike's helper in the passed month. what the fuck!

i get out of bed and get ready in 10 minutes knowing that if i take too long i'll be yelled at. i slip on my boots and grab my phone.

i go outside and start mike's old truck and roll down the windows since it's hot and i knew he wouldn't let the truck cool off but he would definitely complain about being hot. it's only the beginning of april right now but tennessee's weather is bipolar. right now mike is too busy smoking, playing on his phone to even notice me outside so i sit in the truck listening to country music.

he finishes the cigarette at 8:55 and is finally in his truck by 8:57 meaning he has three minutes to make it to work before he's late. we don't get to the glass shop until 9:12 but since it was a saturday, it was just him and i up here and he wouldn't get in touble.

my nana's brother owned the glass shop making him mike's uncle and my great uncle. his name is bob and he's a good guy i just wish he would hold mike accountable for the things he's done.

since it's a family owned business mike gets away with anything. he can't pass a drug test, he's always taking money, he does a poor job putting in glass so the customer has to call back in a few years to have it fixed which brings in more money but he should do it good the first time.

i enter in the glass shop employee only door and climb onto the glass cutting table. blackie, the glass shop cat, jumps up on the table next to me and i pet him while answering my moms text.

momma💕🤞🏼: i know you're with mike right now but have a good weekend and i love you

me: i'll try i love you mama

i put down my phone when i hear the bell ring meaning a customer is here so i walk to the front.

"hi how can i help you?" i ask the older lady.

"i placed an ordered about a week ago and got a call saying it was ready."

"what's the name for the order?" i ask digging through the order tickets.

"jackie." she says and i find her order in the stack.

"okay that will be 58.76" i tell her and she pulls out her card. i give her the old card reader and she enters her card. "i'll be right back with it." i tell her and go into the back of the warehouse to get her the glass.

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