Chapter 24 - All I have are these beautiful ghosts

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July 9th 2020

- Karlie -

Lilah has been with us for a few days now and she's an amazing kid, she's still nervous about a lot of things but she's great with the kids and she's warmed to Taylor and I over time. We had our meeting about the adoption on Monday and so far everything looks like it's going in our favour, but there haven't been any updates on a long term foster family for Lilah. Ms Murray is wary of the girl getting too attached to us, but we've made sure she's aware that this is only temporary and thus far the teen seems okay with that.

"Rosaleigh Dove, don't run on the stairs!" Taylor calls after Rosie as she heads up to her bedroom with Lilah since the teen agreed to play tea party with her. "She's going to be a handful when she's older," the blonde peeks up at me as she raises her eyebrows, she's laying on the couch with her head in my lap as she reads. "Let's just hope she's not as much trouble as you," I smirk as Taylor laughs, "I spent my teenage years on tour buses and stages and you spent yours in ballet classes and on runways, let's just hope she finds something she loves that much."

Rosie is interested in everything right now, but she's so enamoured by Taylor's career so I have a feeling she might lean towards her mommy's area of expertise.

"I think this is the quietest this place has been in days," I laugh as I run my fingers through Taylor's hair. Lilah is occupying Ro and August is napping beside us in his lounger. We had a busy morning and Ro has been full of energy all day so we didn't expect a peaceful afternoon. "Shh, don't jinx it," Taylor frowns up at me and I lock my lips as we both laugh.

Taylor goes back to reading her book as I keep playing with her hair and watching her features change as she reads. "You're staring," she glances back up to me with a small smirk as she turns the page, "you're beautiful, I can't help it." I shrug, she's the most beautiful woman in the universe and I will take every opportunity I can for the rest of our lives to admire that.

"I can't read when you're staring at me," the singer laughs as she puts her book on the coffee table and sits up, piling her whole body into my lap instead. "Now I can stare back," she kisses me quickly as she settles into my lap and I can't help but laugh at her.

"Did you speak to Selena? How's she doing?" I run my fingers over her hips as Taylor wraps her arms around my neck, "she's doing better now that she's stopped throwing up every five minutes, she's busy with work but I said we'd arrange something before Ro starts school." I nod in agreement as I frown and Taylor laughs, "what?" I shake my head as I laugh too, "nothing, I just realised that Ro is starting Kindergarten in just over a month." Taylor frowns as she laughs at me, "we talked about this weeks ago, Kar, I got her into USN."

I shake my head, "I know, Teff, and I still don't understand why she needs to go to a private school - we both went to public school and we turned out just fine." Taylor looks at me as if I'm crazy, "we didn't have us as parents, Karls. The second someone gets wind of who Ro's parents are, the media will have it in seconds and we don't need that, she doesn't need that. Sending her to a private school ensures a certain amount of discretion. Plus, we don't know if she even went to preschool or what stage her schooling is at, they can give her the extra attention that teachers at a public school can't."

I throw my hands up in my own defence, "okay, yeah, you're right." Taylor's brain always runs through every worst case scenario before any new situation, it's not a bad thing but it's definitely the reason she's so anxious all the time. "I'm not saying she's too good for public school, Karls, I just want to make sure she's as safe and as accommodated for as she can be." Taylor looks hurt by even the idea that I'd think she was being stuck up or snobby, I know she's not like that. "I know, baby, I know. She's been through a lot and our careers don't exactly make that any easier."

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