Chapter 32 - In doctor's office lighting

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August 10th 2020

- Taylor -

It's been a few days of adjusting and settling, but everyone seems content. Rosie loves having Lilah back and Lilah has been quiet but she's doing okay, we've been making sure of that.

"How are you feeling?" I stroke Karlie's cheek as I sit in her lap, the model running her fingers over my hips. "I'm nervous," she sighs as she smiles back at me and I nod, "it would be weird if you weren't nervous, Karls, this is huge for you."

Karlie and I talked in France about going to a doctor to find out if she can carry a baby, but our life has been chaotic recently and we hadn't even had the chance to think about this appointment until the last few days.

"Whatever they tell us today, it'll all be okay," I give her a soft smile as I stroke her cheek, she's understandably nervous because she wants this so bad. If they tell her that she can't carry a baby to term, it'll break her heart. "How are you feeling?" She frowns as she pushes my hair behind my ear, "you don't have to do these tests if you don't want to, you know?"

Karlie was scared of doing it alone, and I'm not exactly getting any younger so I suggested that we do it together, that way we have all the information when we decide it's time to add to our family.

"I want to, Karls, we're in this together," I pull her into a soft kiss and she squeezes my hips, "I love you more than anything, Tay." I smile as I wrap her in a tight hug, "I love you too."


"Alright, you two be good for Grammy and Auntie Sel," I kiss Rosie's cheek and then Lilah's and the teen laughs, "I'm fourteen, Taylor, not five," I roll my eyes as I wipe my lipstick from her cheek, "well you're still a kid to me, honey, so be good anyway."

She shakes her head as she laughs and Rosie peeks up at me, "love you, mommy," I boop her nose, "I love you too, Rosie roo."

I leave them both and go back to Karlie who's in the kitchen with my mom and Sel, "I've warned them but Lilah isn't usually any trouble and Rosie basically sticks to her like glue, so everything should be fine." The original plan was for the kids to stay with Sel since she was here anyway, but then she took a little spell last night and while the doctor said she's fine, she's been instructed to take it easy. Hence why my mom is here, more as a babysitter for Selena than the girls.

"We'll be fine, honey," my mom shakes her head at us, "now, you better not make my grand baby late for his appointment, go on." I smile as I nod and I look to Karlie who picks up the baby's car seat. Sel knows where we're going, but we want it to stay as stress free as possible so we told my mom and the girls that it's a check up for Auggie.

I grab our things and Karlie and I go out to the car, she clips Auggie's seat in and I get into the drivers seat. Karlie hates it when I drive but she still doesn't know her way around as well as I do, so she's going to have to live with it for today.

"Ready?" The model looks to me with nervous eyes and I nod as I reach to squeeze her hand, "we've got this, Karls, I've got a good feeling." There is a very real chance that what happened with Noah was just a tragic twist of fate, and part of me hopes that if the doctor tells her today that there is nothing physically wrong with her that could've caused it then she'll be able to forgive herself.

Karlie spends the whole time distracting herself from my chaotic driving by playing my songs and explaining them to August who's wide awake in the backseat but he's content in his seat as long as the car is moving. "Mommy's been writing some new songs, Auggie," she eyes me from the passenger's seat - she likes to eavesdrop when I write and it's hard not to write a lot when I'm so happy and in love with my beautiful wife. "Mommy's got her hands full with our three kids," I laugh as I look over to her and Karlie smiles, "I know, Tay, but you know that our kids have two moms and you shouldered the burden when I was busy with work, so if you did want to get back into the studio then we could make it work."

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