Chapter 2 - I Won't Let Nobody Hurt You

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May 14th 2020

As the morning rolls in I'm woken up to shifting in my lap and it takes a moment for me to process but I quickly coo as I run my hand over the little one's back, sensing her panic. "It's okay, honey, I'm here," I smile sweetly, pushing the light blonde hair back out of the little girl's eyes and Rosie relaxes as she hides her face in my chest again.

It was a long night. I didn't intend on spending the night, but CPS are yet to show and after Rosie fell asleep she was groggy and absolutely terrified when the nurse came by to put her IV in and I was the only one who could calm her. Once the nurse was done and Ro changed into some pyjamas provided by the hospital she quickly fell asleep in my arms again, so I just couldn't will myself to leave.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" I coo at the little girl in my arms and Rosie mumbles a muffled response into the fabric of my dress, "when is my mommy coming back?" I don't really know what to say so I just sigh as I hold her tight, "I'm not sure, honey." This is an unusual situation for everyone involved and I'm really unsure of what is going to happen and I won't know until CPS turns up.

There's a knock on the door a few moments before a nurse enters the room, "Taylor, there's someone looking to speak to you," the little girl clings onto me and I'm quick to soothe her, "it's okay, sweetpea, I'll be right back, I promise." I press a soft kiss to the little one's forehead as I sit her on the bed beside me.

"Will you hold onto this for me until I get back?" I fish my keys out of my purse and hand them to her because Ro is fascinated by my keychains but it also reassures her that I'll be back. "Okay," the little one gives me a nervous nod as she holds onto the keys and watches me get up, "thank you, I'll be right back, okay?" Rosie nods one last time and the nurse watches in awe as I slip out of the room without the little girl absolutely freaking out.

I cross my arms as I walk out of the room, immediately spotting the woman in professional attire waiting for me. "Miss Swift, I'm sorry to come by so early," I simply smile as I shake her hand, "it's no problem." I know what this is already so as the woman leads me to an empty room, I follow. "My name is Ms Murray and I'm from Child Protective Services, I'm assigned to Rosie's case."

I nod quickly in response, "I got the call yesterday morning and once I picked her up I brought her straight here." She nods, making notes as I speak, "did she say anything about her family or where she came from?" Scouring my memory, I nod, "she said that her mom left, she hasn't mentioned a father." The thought is heart-breaking, she didn't deserve anything bad in her life.

The woman asks a few more questions, trying to find out as much as she can from me without having to upset Rosie. "Thank you, that was helpful but I'm still going to need to speak to her myself. It might make it a little easier if you're there, I understand she's comfortable with you?" Having no opposition and a strong preference to being there I quickly agree and we go back to Rosie's room.

The little girl lights up when I re-enter the room but she is still cautious of the new woman with me. "You did such a good job, sweetie, thank you," Rosie hands back my keys so I thank her with a warm smile and lift the little one back into my lap, Rosie settling into my secure embrace. "Rosie, this is Ms Murray and she needs to ask you a few questions, alright?" Ro nods, shying away from the woman and curling closer to my body as I hold her tight to reassure her that she's alright.

"Sweetie, do you know why mommy left you at the fire station?" This isn't an easy topic for the little girl so I do my best to soothe her, "she got sick and daddy didn't want me anymore." Her voice is quiet and laced with fear as her father is brought into the conversation, "do you know your mommy or daddy's names, honey?"

Rosie is tense in my arms and I cuddle her closer, "it's okay if you don't know, sweetheart," Ro looks up to me, "you promise?" I don't know what Rosie has been through to make her so scared, but I nod as I hold her a little tighter, "I promise, you're safe now."

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