Chapter 45 - August

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May 29th 2021

- Karlie -

The schools broke up for summer two days ago and the kids are having a great time, however Taylor and I are already slowly losing our minds. Lilah just spends her days with Antonia, but Rosie isn't used to not seeing her friends every day so Tay and I are doing our best to occupy her so that she doesn't end up losing her mind and driving us crazy by the time schools start again. That won't be too hard today though, because it's Auggie's first birthday and so many of our loved ones are coming to celebrate him.

"Morning," Taylor rolls over into my arms and I smile, pressing a soft kiss to her temple, "morning, my love." She sighs as she hides her face in my neck, "I can't believe our boy is one, it doesn't feel like it's been a whole year." I rub my fingertips over her back, "he's not our tiny guy anymore," August has come on leaps and bounds and he's the bubbliest little boy I've ever met, we're so proud of him.

"Some things do stay the same though," I laugh as the baby starts crying through the baby monitor and I kiss her face one more time before getting up to go and retrieve him. "Good morning, Birthday Boy," I coo as I walk into his nursery, the little guy standing up in his crib and holding his arms out for me to pick him up, "shall we change your diaper and then go find mommy?" I kiss his little face as I lay him down on the changing table.

Auggie babbles up at me as I change him and I can't help smiling at him, he's so precious - even at 7am when I'd much rather be sleeping than changing his dirty diapers.

"Let's go find Mommy," he giggles when I pick him up, smothering his little face in kisses as I leave his room and go back into ours. "What's going on here?" I smile as I walk back in, finding the two girls on the bed with Taylor. "We're waiting for the birthday boy," Lilah yawns as I sit on the other side of Rosie and put August down, the little guy crawling over his sister to go to his mommy. "Is it your big day, Augs?" Taylor coos as she takes him in her arms and he cuddles into her, he's a mommy's boy through and through.

Lilah is curled up in a ball at the bottom of the bed, the teenager looking like she's been dragged out of bed against her will. "Did you have a sleepover with Lil last night, munchkin?" I look down to Rosie who's between Taylor and I and she gives me a bright smile as she nods, "and I ended up with feet in my face again," Lilah gives Rosie a playful glare and Rosie just shrugs, "I didn't mean it."

Tay and I just laugh at the two of them because this happens every time and then Lilah swears she'll never let Rosie sleep in her room again but in a week or so Rosie will sweet talk her big sister and the cycle will repeat.

"What time is everything getting here?" I look over to Taylor and the blonde glances to the time on the clock beside her, "they're coming at eight thirty to set everything up so we've got an hour and a half." We went totally overboard for his birthday party, but it's his first birthday and the first time a lot of important people in our lives are meeting the kids so we figured it's justified.

Lilah sits up, still not happy she's up way earlier than she usually would be, "are we doing presents now or later because Nia and I have like a joint thing and she's not coming over till eleven," i laugh as I look over to August, "I don't think he'll mind waiting till later."

Auggie won't remember today but one day it'll be nice to show him the pictures from his very first birthday where he got to meet his whole crazy family. We would've gone all out for Lilah and Rosie too if they'd let us, but those two were very persistent about what they wanted. So, until Auggie is old enough to tell us what he wants to do to celebrate his special day, we'll just have to indulge our need to celebrate our kids in going crazy with his birthday parties.

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