Chapter 13 - Moms Who Work

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June 8th 2020

- Taylor -

"Is this really that important?" I'm tense as I pace the length of my bedroom, I was woken up early by the phone ringing on my nightstand and my biggest regret is having answered it. "They're insisting, Taylor, I wouldn't have called unless it was completely necessary," Tree seems as happy about telling me about this as I am about hearing it.

I sigh as I peer over my shoulder, smiling gently at the sight of Rosie cuddled up in my bed and Auggie sleeping in his bassinet, both of them still fast asleep and oblivious to my frustration. "What time do they want me there?" I don't know what I'm expected to do at such short notice because I certainly wasn't planning on going in for a meeting today. "Ten, that's why I called now, to give you at least a little time to arrange something."

Karlie isn't flying back out here until tomorrow and my mom is at the hospital for a check up today so my parents are a no go. "I might have to bring them, Tree, I don't have Karlie or my parents today," I don't want Rosie mixed up in the politics of my job, especially when I know how brutal this meeting might get. "They're not offering another alternative, it's today or never, so do what you have to do." I know this is an important meeting and I definitely can't miss it, so I'm just going to have to figure something out.

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm leaving," the redhead agrees and with another few words then we end the call. Its six in the morning currently so I have a couple of house until I need to leave, but I've never left the house with both kids on my own before.

Since both kids are still sleeping I decide to go for a quick shower and start getting ready for the day. I try to be as quick as I can but I hear August starting to cry so I quickly finish up and throw on some clothes before going back into the room. Auggie is quiet and my heart melts when I spot Rosie leaning over his bassinet, slipping the little guy's pacifier back into his mouth.

"Good morning, monkey," I perch on the edge of the bed as I open my arms to Rosie and the little girl happily crawls into them. Ro had a rough night so I brought her into my bed in the middle of the night, just so that Rosie could feel safe and I could be sure the little one would be alright. "Good morning," Rosie mumbles against my shoulder, her voice still sleepy.

"I need to go into work for a little while, how do you feel about coming with me?" Rosie looks up to me with a questioning look on her face, "you have a job?" I can't help laughing, the innocence behind Ro's question melting my heart as I nod. "Do you remember when we talked about what Mama's job is?" Rosie nods, holding Avie close to her chest. "Well, my job is kinda the same but I make music and perform for people instead," I watch Rosie as she processes the information.

"Are you going to go away too?" I quickly shake my head, "no, honey, I just need to go and talk to a couple of people." Rosie nods again, not questioning anymore as she cuddles into me. "Can I bring Avie?" I kiss her cheek as I chuckle, "of course you can, baby." August starts crying again so Ro climbs off of my lap and I give her a soft smile as she retrieves a diaper and the wipes from the side of the bed for me.

This has become ritual for us since August arrived. Even when Karlie is here, Ro comes into our bed and when August wakes up she helps me change him and get his bottle ready once we're downstairs.

"Good morning, little man, you're being very vocal this morning, huh?" I coo as I lift August out of his bassinet, resting him against my shoulder as I lay out the blanket to lie him on. "I know, baby, we don't like this, do we?" I change his diaper as quickly as I can because he really does hate it and hearing him cry makes my heart ache so much. "Shall we go and make breakfast?" Once Auggie changed I pick him up again and then hold a hand out to Rosie, the little girl nodding in response as she takes it.

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