Chapter 34 - Take a deep breath and you walk through the doors

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August 17th 2020

- Karlie -

"Lilah, we've gotta go," I call upstairs to the teen as I stand with Rosie, the little one eager to get going for her first day of school. "I'm coming," she calls back and seconds later she comes running down the stairs, "ready." She smiles at me and I nod, looking for Taylor who has Auggie, "mommy, hurry!" Rosie is getting impatient and Lilah just shakes her head at the little one, we all know she won't be this excited about school forever.

Taylor comes into the hallway with August in his car seat, and we load all three kids quickly into the car. "Can we listen to Auntie Selly's music, mama?" Taylor clips August's seat into the middle seat and Lilah and Ro are on either side of him, "ask Lilah, honey, her phone is still connected to the car." Taylor gets into the drivers seat and Auggie is babbling between his sisters as they discuss the music for the drive to school.

"Feeling alright?" I look over to Taylor and the blonde takes a deep breath as she nods, "I think I'm more nervous than anyone." She's been so anxious about the girls starting school - for Ro it's a whole new experience and for Lilah it's a fresh start in a school where she knows nobody, with kids who've been going to school together since they were in preschool.

It's a calm drive, Lilah giving in to Rosie and playing Selena's album, Taylor singing along to it and bringing a soft smile to my face - I love it when she sings, it's one of my favourite things.

"Alright," I sigh as we pull into the parking lot, looking over to Taylor and then glancing back to the kids once she's parked. "You ready, Li?" I give the teen a soft smile, Taylor is going to take her up to meet the principal so she can do orientation and Taylor can sign some paperwork, and I'm going to take Rosie into her orientation. Ro is with the rest of her class, but Lilah is the only new kid in her grade this year. "As ready as I'll ever be," she gives me a nervous smile in return and I nod.

The three of us get out of the car and Taylor lifts Rosie out before taking Auggie out too. There are a bunch of parents and kids about, but most of them are too hurried to even look our way which is good.

"You'll be fine, but you know you can text or call if you need anything, alright? No matter how small or silly you might think it is." I give the teen a quick hug and she nods, "I will, I promise." She squeezes me before letting go and I take Rosie's hand as she comes to my side, "alright, little monkey," Taylor kisses the little one's forehead, "have fun, okay? I'll be with mama at pick up." Rosie nods and kisses her mommy's cheek before Taylor gets back up. "I'll text you when I'm done and I'll meet you back here?" Taylor agrees and I kiss her cheek before she takes Auggie and Lilah and they head for the school office.

I look down to the little one by my side, "are you ready, bug?" She's grinning as she nods, "aye aye, captain!" She salutes me and I shake my head as I ruffle her hair, "you've been watching too much SpongeBob."

- Lilah -

Taylor came with me to meet the principal and I was grateful for that. I've been trying to hide it from everyone, but I'm so scared of starting here. Taylor and Karlie are trying to keep me safe and do what they think is best, but going from being in public school to starting at a private school with nobody I know - it's terrifying.

"Ready?" Taylor is smiling sweetly at me as we stand up, she's going home and I'm going to be shown to my first class. I nod as I look at her, knowing I'll cry if I speak. It's not like they're sending me to boarding school or something, I shouldn't be this scared. "It's going to be okay, Li, I promise," she brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear and I nod again, the singer pulling me into her embrace and I hold on tight. "Just be yourself and keep your head up, okay? You're incredible and loved and no matter what, this is all gonna work out in the end."

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