Chapter 57 - Would've loved you for a lifetime

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October 15th 2021

- Karlie -

It's fall break for the kids and Taylor and I decided to take the kids to New York for the weekend to visit my family - we've been waiting to tell them in person about the babies, and also because we were worried about the little ones, but now is as good a time as any.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Taylor is fussing over me as usual, but I can't expect any less from her at this point. We've been through so much and she just wants to keep me and our unborn babies safe. "I'm fine, Teff, I promise," I give her a soft smile, holding her face in my hands as she sighs, her anxiety has been through the roof the last few weeks. "Feel," I take her hand and place it on my bump, "the babies are fine, I'm fine, the kids are fine," she nods as she strokes her thumb over my shirt, "and you, my love, are fine." She sighs as she smiles at me and I pull her into a gentle kiss.

I know she's just trying to keep us safe, and I can't be annoyed at her for caring about me and our family.

"Mom, are we going?" Lilah calls through the house and I give Taylor a reassuring nod, so the blonde calls out to the teen and tells her she'll be right there. "I love you, I'll see you at your moms," Taylor kisses me after pulling her coat on and I nod, "we'll be there, have fun with Lilah."

She's taking the teen to some of her favourite vintage stores and then security is driving them to my parents house, where I'm taking the little ones in a little bit. "Bye, mom," Lilah calls to me as the pair leave the apartment, and I tell her I love her as they go. Tay spends far more time alone with the little ones, so it'll be nice for her and Lil to get some one on one time.

"Mama, mama, mama!" Rosie comes running, her socks hitting the hardwood floor and sending her flying towards me as soon as she steps off the rug. "Careful, monster," I laugh as she stops in a heap at my feet, but she's laughing her little head off, "what can I do for you, little lady?" I give her a hand up and she jumps up and down in front of me as she holds onto me, "can we go to nana's now? Please?" She drags out her please and I just shake my head as I smile at her, she's got so much energy today and that's not going to be fun on the hour and a bit car ride to my parents house.

"I need to get your brother ready first, yeah? Then we're gonna go," she nods so I lean down to kiss the tip of her nose, "go and play for a bit, I'll come and find you shortly." She agrees and runs back off to play, almost sliding again as I shake my head and watch her go. "You're in for a world of crazy when you're born, little ones, but you're going to be so loved," I smile gently at my bump as I look to my hand that's resting there. I've taken to talking to the babies a lot, mostly because Taylor talks to them all the time and I'm not gonna let her be the favourite again - I figured that this time I at least have a 50% chance.

Auggie is playing in his play yard so I go in to check on him. "Do you wanna go and visit Nana and Grandpa, buddy? We're gonna see all of your aunties too," I don't get home nearly as much as I'd like to, so we wanted to make sure we don't miss anyone while we're here. "Let's get you dressed, monkey," I kiss his cheek as I lift him onto my hip, "mama, come?" He coos at me with his big wide eyes and I nod, "I'm coming, Augs," he shakes his head, "mama, come!" I realise he's asking for Taylor and kiss his face, "mommy went shopping with sissy, but she's coming to see Nana too."

We were worried about his speech for a while, because all he really wanted to say was 'mama', 'cat' and 'Lala' which is what he calls Lilah since he can't quite say her name right. However, he's picked up so many new words lately and he's starting trying to string together sentences, but Tay and I can usually catch what he's trying to say or ask for.

I get him dressed, letting him pick out his options until he ends up with blue jeans and a grey onesie with a tiger on it - and I can only assume he picked that because the tiger looks like his favourite lion stuffy.

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