Chapter 8 - Room For One More?

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May 30th 2020

- Karlie -

Rosie had fallen asleep watching Frozen while we were with the social worker last night so we didn't get a chance to talk to her. Everything is moving very quickly today so we know it has to be done this morning before Taylor goes to the hospital, but she doesn't know how to explain to such a nervous little girl that her daddy murdered her mommy and now she has a baby brother.

"She's going to be alright, Teff, she's resilient," I press a gentle kiss to the shoulder of the distracted singer. We woke up early to get a head start on things, but I convinced Taylor to take a little bit of time and shower with me. "Her mom is dead, Kar, how do I tell her that?"

She has a look of deep sadness in her eyes as she turns to face me and I wrap my arms tight around Taylor. "You tell her that her mommy was incredibly brave and she got hurt, but now she has gone back to live with God. You tell her that her mommy loved her so much and that's why she's here with us, and that's why she went to heaven but left her baby brother. That way her mommy knew they would always have us and each other."

From what we know about Rosie's parents; her mother was an addict but she loved Ro very much. That's why she left her at a firehouse, because she couldn't keep risking her innocent daughter's life when her father would lose his temper. What we didn't know was that her mom left her there because she knew she couldn't protect both of her kids from him. But she knew someone else could show Rosie the love that she truly deserves.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Karlie," Taylor's voice is sad but there is so much love in it as she sinks into my arms. "You'll never have to find out, baby," I sigh as I press a kiss to her forehead, "I've got you, Teff, forever."

- Taylor -

"So Mommy's not coming back?" Rosie is watching my every move from Karlie's lap as I sit right across from them. I just had to explain everything to Rosie in the softest way that I could, but it'll never be an easy thing to talk to a five year old about, no matter how delicately I try to put it. "No, baby, mommy's in heaven now so she's not coming back." My heart is so heavy as I tell my sweet and innocent five year old that the only love she knew in the first five years of her life is gone forever.

"But she's still watching over you from heaven, sweetie," Karlie interjects as she gently rubs Ro's back, the little girl silently holding onto her giraffe. "I don't want to go back to daddy," her little lip quivers and within seconds she's sobbing so I rush to her as Karlie holds the little one tight. "You are never ever going back there, Rosie, I promise," I have no clue where she got that idea from but there is no chance in hell I would ever let her go back to that.

"Come here, it's okay," I open my arms to the little girl and Rosie clings to me, "I've got you, Ro, you're safe now." I can't help fighting my own tears as I hold my sobbing little girl close to my chest. I don't dare look up to Karlie because I know if I did I would see the tears in the younger woman's eyes too and we both know I couldn't take seeing Karlie cry too.

After a little while Rosie's tears stop but I don't move from my position on the floor. I simply hold the little one tight as my free hand clings to Karlie's. I have to go to the hospital soon but I'm not going anywhere until I know our baby girl is going to be okay.

- Karlie -

Thankfully by the time Taylor had to leave the house Rosie was smiling. We planned for Andrea to come over so that she can go with me and Ro to pick up some basics for the baby. Obviously we have nothing suitable since this was so out of the blue, but the distraction of her new baby brother really helped Rosie. She's only five so she doesn't truly understand the concept of death yet, but for right now we'll just keep reminding her that her mommy is in heaven and a sibling gives her someone to keep that link alive.

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