Prologue (Part 1)

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Hot moist wind kissed the damp cheeks of the tall lean man on the bridge. Hair as dark as the night sky sway, giving the man a picturesque look of a cold marble statue. Fair skin in contrast on the deep black of the night... lips red and parted. The scene was devastatingly beautiful as it was tragic.

Tonight... it has to end. The pain... the questions... the doubts... the fears... the agony...

No one's gonna save him. Not the person in the car passing by. Not the red panda in the small cage in his apartment that was supposed to be given as an anniversary gift. Not the man who promised him the stars and the moon yet push him one step and another... up to this very night.

His delicate porcelain hands shake as he places them over the cold steel rail of the bridge. One polished boot was placed on the parapet, anchoring himself as he pulls his body up. Obsidian eyes dulled by pain but shine tonight with the intensity that could rival the stars twinkling up the sky.

The man wasn't sad. No... that would be a lie. He was but not anymore. He was like an enlightened individual who was forced to find solace in the fact that the end is coming. Even before he was pushed to the point of no return, death was never been a thing he feared. He couldn't understand why people were afraid of ceasing to exist. Until him... Yet the absurd part is the one who taught him how to love being alive will also be the reason why he welcomed back his old friend 'Death'.

It doesn't matter now. Nothing matter now. For tonight... for the first time since he met him... since the first time a smile decorated his lips at the sight of him... since the first time his heart beats for him... he will not matter anymore. Only death could make him immaterial. Only as his heart beat its last beat could he finally unloved him.

His body tremors while he balances himself at the edge of the rail. One look downwards and it will be the last. The man has all the time in the world. He's not in a hurry to jump. The moist warm wind was too comfortable not to breathe it in for a moment. No one's gonna stop him from leaving this tragic timeline. And that's how he wanted it.

It would be a blessing if he could cry. He was supposed to be crying. His cheeks might be damp... but there is not a single tear marring the soft tender flesh. He had given to that man everything until he was sunk sullen into this empty vessel at the edge of the bridge yet he promised himself one thing... his tears are his and he will not shed it until the very end.

They say life flashed back like lightning when a person is on the verge of dying, he doesn't believe that until now. He closed his eyes and let all the bittersweet memories start to flood his tired mind. All the happy memories first until the most heart-wrenching ones... each he had hoped will never follow him to the afterlife if there is one. For if there is a life after death... he doesn't want to meet him again. It all has to end in this timeline.

His nimble hands grasp the lock necklace encircling his delicate neck. He wanted to tear it and throw it on the raging waters beneath, for he's pretty sure the other guy would have thrown his matching key one right the moment he left. But he couldn't. No... the right word is he wouldn't.

This will be his last streak of defiance. His last will to make that man feel even a small amount of guilt. He'll be bringing this lone thing that connects to that person to his grave not because he couldn't part with it but because this will be the only identifier he will have on his body when it will be retrieved later. And maybe just maybe... that man would feel regret even just for a short while.

Dark hooded eyes open, moist enough to look blurry but not enough to shed a lone tear. He tries to find a single thread of doubt... a single will to live... one reason to turn back... but what came is one memory of that man's cold unfeeling eyes makes him smile with bitterness as he let his body be taken by the wind and freed his heart and soul from the shackles of an ill-fated love entanglement once and for all.

A loud splash of water can be heard... then eerie silence follows. Yang Yu Teng was no more.



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