An unlikely reunion

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"If you were that lover and I was my father... then what will you do?"


"Good day, sir." The head of Hemith's security greeted him before YU slipped inside the private elevator reserved only for the executives. The entire Hemith population of employees already knows him by face after the entire love showcase he has done way back months ago. 

When people see them after that together, a few girls start approaching them and saying so many encouraging words, and their faces are decorated with big smiles. Sam was blushing at the first instance, but after a few weeks of that kind of fanfare, he ended up teasing YU in return as if he wasn't the one turning red like a tomato before.

YU looks down on the still-warm lunch box he was currently carrying. He was hoping that the fried rice and katsu he cooked weren't as salty as before. He was sure Sam still hasn't taken his breakfast yet. It was a good thing he packed a heavy brunch today for that man of his didn't know how to take care of himself as much as he knows how to pamper YU till he turns into a plump glutinous rice ball.

He was about to swipe his keycard to open the office door when he noticed it was already halfway open. Sam's assistant might have left it in a hurry. He was about to slip in when he saw him busily typing with one hand on his laptop while he was clicking something on his phone. This multitasker... YU couldn't help but smile softly. 

Instead of getting in, he fishes out his phone and opens his notes then adds new bullets on the list he had created earlier.


What makes Sam Lin sexy

• When he is busy as heck behind his desk like a bae

• When he crinkles cutely his nose when he couldn't find the correct term of a word in his mind

• When he looks down on me with that signature bedroom look he loves to do

• When he bites his lips while listening to a boring presentation

• When his dress shirt was halfway open showing the collar bones I loved

• When he looks slightly disheveled but still tasty enough to eat handsome

• When he was just being himself


YU then snap a picture of his busy boyfriend before saving it in a separate folder he put all the pics he would print to attach in all his letters. He wanted each Sam Lin of each day to be enclosed inside. To remember his face, his smile, and his image as he goes through all those letters when the time comes would be lovely.

After he was satisfied with the number of pictures he had acquired he softly knock on the door. The busy guy didn't even lift his head and just grunt, a clear sign he wanted the person at the door to enter. YU's grin gets bigger as he approached Sam and stood in front of his desk.

Minutes pass and the man still couldn't take his eyes off his work, so with a shake of his head, YU finally speaks. "I now understand when someone says their boyfriend should marry their work instead."

And just like a magic word, Sam's head pop out of his screen like a tortoise coming out of its shell. With a sheepish look on his face, Sam motion for him to come nearer. "It's good you are here. Give me your phone." 

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