Prologue (Part 3)

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Who's right? Who's wrong?
The sacrifice that ends up in vain... A perfect love story that ended up in tragedy.
Who saves whom? Who's the pitiful one?
Only love fools could decide.


Taking care of animals was always been a passion of Luo De Hong which he shared with his close cousin Zi Hong since they were young. And up till today, this hobby remains the same. It is just... the other person was not here anymore to join and help. 

All their share animals including Zi Hong's cat Little Prince and tortoise Pig Girl were now Evan's to look after. It's not that he was complaining about for he loved these little moppets like his own... but he was not used to doing it alone. 

Zi Hong was always there along the way... but now he has to do it by himself going forward. He was recently done putting the feisty cat on its bed after a long brushing time when the doorbell rang. 

He wanted to ignore it and doze off. This day started to be one of his most tiring ones. He's not in the mood to have a visitor and engaged on friendly banters today. But the person behind his doorway was persistent enough to ring him a dozen times in a span of 5 minutes. 

So with a heavy heart, he walks to the door and yanks it open. His forehead was wrinkled into a frown when he came face to face with an equally frustrated-looking Shi Chih Tian. 

Without any preamble, the guy walked past him and invade his home like he owned it. Evan has no choice but to swallow his irritation and close the door to follow the fuming unwanted visitor towards his small living room. 

Tian felt free enough to bounce his ass on his sofa, which made Evan eyed him with slight interest. "Do I have to offer you juice or tea?" He sarcastically asked before lowering himself on the opposite one facing his guest. 

He's not so fond of Tian even before. His cousin was extremely close to this person and treated him more like a brother... yet when everything fell between YU and Zi Hong's relationship, this traitor in front of him chose to be on the other person's side and not with his cousin. It was partially Zi hong's fault though for he refused to explain even with Evan's persistent pleading. 

He very well couldn't blame Chih Tian for if he was in his shoes he might have done the same. But... the thing is Evan knows why Zi Hong chose to do that. And he can't for the love of God be on any side other than Zi Hong's. So even if he wanted to cut Tian some slack for not putting effort into knowing the real deal a year ago... he just can't. It felt like a betrayal to Zi Hong. 

Chih Tian refused to meet his eyes for a whole minute. He looks disheveled upon close inspection like he's been rushing to and fro in all directions the whole day. 
He was about to comment regarding that when Tian's eyes red around the edges raised to meet his which stop him before he can open his mouth. 

"Where is that bastard?" 

Evan closed his eyes to control his emotion. He doesn't want to pick fights today. He was too tired for that. But he couldn't let Tian disrespect Zi Hong this way. 

"Chih Tian, let Zi Hong have his peace. Let's put past behind us. I'm sure YU also has already moved on." 

"Moved on?" Tian sneered, his face black with anger. "How the fuck did that asshole find in himself to move on after what he has done? And what right he has to find peace?" 

Evan scowled, his mood equally matching his visitor. "What the heck do you want, Shi Chih Tian? As far as I remember it is not as if you are the one that was left behind!" 

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