Maybe it's you I've been waiting for

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Endless sea of loneliness envelops me in a chilling embrace. Then you came... you thaw the ice with your fire. Stay... and keep me warm... my love.


"Psssstttt..." YU fell from his chair and landed ass first on the floor. He snaps his blazing gaze to the one who startled him. The man, his ex-boyfriend, and Vice President was grinning ear to ear like he had won a lottery.

"Are you crazy, Zack? Don't you dare sneak like that again." YU warns. He slowly picks himself up and touches his sore bottom before pulling his chair away from the annoying man.

"You are mooning, that's why you didn't hear me enter." Zack taunts as he lowers himself on the chair in front of YU's desk. "I've been standing there for more than a quarter of an hour already but you never turn around from your gaze out of the window." Zack rested his chin on his hand, his eyebrows dancing while he waits for YU's answer.

"Can't I muse on my own? It's my spare time so fuck off." YU irritatingly swat him away which made the man chuckle. "Sam Lin was looking for you." And just like a magic word, YU perks up and looks back at him.

"Where is he? I thought he had already left the building an hour ago?" YU was the one who sees him out of the company with the promise of showing him the outline of the marketing plans once the team started. So he wonders why Sam was back again...

He was so preoccupied with his thoughts so he didn't realize Zack grinning like a lunatic. YU stood up and was about to find Sam when Zack speaks again. "I was just kidding. See... just mentioning the Hemith's CEO's name was enough to take you away from your precious musing." If YU's face was not black earlier, now anyone could see the smoke coming out of his nose.

"So you seem very familiar with Sam. You know each other before today, right?" 

YU glare at him venomously. "Stop ogling on my business, Zack." And that answer earns another smile from the man. "I'm not being nosy, YU. But I can't put my finger on why I can feel a slight animosity in his eyes when he looks at me. While with you..." Zack crosses his hands over his chest, cutting his words like he wanted to emphasize something.

YU leans forward with a conspiratorial face. "Maybe you weren't aware..." He paused and wave for Zack to come nearer. "That your face is not likable at all." He then put his finger on the other's forehead and push him away. 

Despite this kind of conversation with Zack, YU felt glad. It has been a long time since they could jest like this to each other. Since he started to date him, Zack became an instant softy. He had treated him like a fragile glass. He was indeed in a very dark place for 4 years, and Zack never once left his side.

But YU realized one thing. Zack might be a constant support, but he never pushed YU to fight his own fear. He never encourages him to take a step out of his mindset and look at what he has to do to stop all the pain and emotional toll his dreams had brings him.

Zack had babied him. He coddled him to the point that he felt weak. That it was fine to be weak because he was there to solve all the problems. He knows he meant well, but that kind of approach only push YU to be enveloped deeper and deeper into his dark thoughts. 

Then Sam came. He was soft and gentle just like Zack, but he doesn't take his bullshit. He calls him out, he pushes him to think outside the box, he influenced him with his strong principles and ideals... he made him feel strong.

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