Wait for me

487 33 0

Miles and miles away
My heart longs for you
The promise of your return...
My promise of endless waiting...
At the end... whose promise is meant to be broken?


Things to bring

• Clothes

• Essentials

• Wallet

• Laptop

• Phone

• Meds

When YU was finally satisfied with the short list he had made and after he double-checks if everything is with him already, he exited his apartment. He then proceeds to his car and realized that his car key wasn't with him.

Fucking heck. YU scratched his head as he placed his luggage beside his car and walk back to his door. He slips his hand to retrieve his apartment keys but when he found it wasn't there too, YU couldn't help but rest his head on the door with a helpless look. How can he drive without his car keys?

Sam's flight is in the next hour and he goddamn well burns himself if he couldn't see his boyfriend's face even just a few minutes before his departure. So YU tries to kick the door down. One... two... three... before he could make another one he heard a sound of succeeding honking which made his head snap in its direction. 

His eyes fell on the car parked in front of his house. The window was rolled and Zack's head slips outside. "Hey there, Cinderella? Would you need fairy godfather's shining carriage to bring you to Prince Charming?" 

YU couldn't help but shakes his head yet a smile was now permanently in place. Zack always knows how to save the day. YU took his luggage and roll it towards Zack's trunk and place it there. The man opens the car door from the inside and he slips into the passenger seat.

The car starts moving and YU turns around and looks at his friend. "How did you know I needed some lift?" Zack shrugs and smiles as he navigates the slightly busy road. "Let's just say my intuition kicks in and thought of dropping by to check how you can mess up small things."

YU hits the man on the arm which made him guffaw. "Easy easy, princess. You still need your fairy godfather to stay alive so you can reach your destination." He then let the man off his hook for now and look out of the window. 

"Stop trying to look tough, mate. Just admit you'll gonna miss him." Zack jested which earn a frown from YU. "I'm not trying to act tough. I'm feeling guilty right now. For if it is not for me... Heartbeat app would have been in every phone in America too." YU admitted with a soft sigh.

"YU... no one forced Sam to stay. You should be the one to know that. He stays because he wanted to. And come on... a few months delay wasn't that big of a deal. It is not as if the entire thing was put on hold. The alpha and beta team was working on the prototype and all... so chill." Zack throws him a comforting look.

Zack makes a turn in an alley. "Maybe you can point out the direction, you know. We might not catch that boyfriend of yours if we roam around Taipei like this." YU glares at him but gives him the direction towards Sam's orchard. 

After a few minutes, they finally see the gate. Zack parks at the front and YU looks at him with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Zack. You know you are always the best." He was about to open the car door when a hand grabs his wrist.

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