Fighting to have you

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Love is like a war
Fighting for someone you love
Heart, soul, and mind
I will claim what's mine and will give you yours


Yusuke tentatively reaches on his face to wipe the tears Sam has left behind. He was awake. He now knew what Sam might have felt like when he confess back then. The feeling of wanting to open his eyes and tell the man he heard every single word he utter... yet he doesn't know how to properly worded it... it was agony. 

YU open his eyes and rose from the bed. He leans his back on the headboard and looks at the empty space beside him that was still warm. He caresses it as if it was Sam all along. He closed his eyes and let every single memory he has together with Sam flood back to his brain. He had reviewed it without the veil of doubt, insecurity, and fear. Then just like a rewatch of a movie he just skims of the first view... YU now could see what he had missed.

He opens his eyes this time with a flare of knowledge. There were no tears there. He wouldn't shed tears from now on. Tears are just for the weak... crying is just for those who would beg other people to be given the things they want. Because YU was done with begging. Because this time... he'll do the work by himself. For he was finally sure. No more doubts... no more cowardice.

He reminisces the night they spent together and keeps it secure to his heart. That memory would do well for now until he wasn't done with what he was planning to do. With a careful step out of the bed, he managed to bring both his feet on the floor. He felt sore... but in a good kind of way. He was a masochist after all. 

He reaches for the drawer of his work desk and retrieves a blank music sheet. It's been a while since he had an inspiration to compose something. Distracting himself using this might be a good idea since he knows it will take time before he gets what he wants. Patience was one of his best trait and now he must add pretending in it. Mask was always worn by people and some of them have worn and changed many masks over their lifetime.

YU had used some during business deals... but this will be the first one he might have to exercise it to someone precious to him. He had planned this even before Sam has barged in his door last night. The only thing change was his motive. Desperate times call for desperate measure as they say. And YU was desperate.

He starts humming the tune in his head while he writes the lyrics. 

What am I to you?

The question was finally answered this morning. YU now knows what he is to Sam.

All is fair in love and war after all...


Peaceful and lonely would be the two words Sam would describe the whole month pre-launch period of the Heartbeat app. Peaceful because he was back again to his usual routine before meeting YU. His nose and entire self were buried in work and this project just to make sure everything will be running smoothly. Everyone could say he's finally back on track. If only that was the truth.

Things were indeed peaceful when his mind was at work and he was distracted by launch planning. As much as possible he was avoiding to be at the premises of Akogare. But that was futile. He was doing that so he could minimize his meeting with YU... but when the person was living in his memory, dreams, and consciousness 24/7... what is the point of not seeing him? It only makes the longing he feels and the lonely nights he was having worse.

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