The eye of the storm

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The truth that masquerading as a lie
A promise that cost two lives
The entanglement of two lifetimes
One night. One dream. One reality
One peek that might spiral to an endless agony
The storm is coming...
Are you ready?


"Mr. Lin... Mr. Lin!" His assistant, Bing Wei's voice was echoing from the hallway up to where Sam was buried in his laptop. He didn't pay attention to the man for his concentration was focused on the set of graphs about Heartbeat's pros and cons. He has been analyzing so many things these days for it looks like that some of the case studies for the app were centered on Taiwanese preferences and more leaning to cater to Asian people.

Some of the samples they are working with show different suicidal triggers compare to the ones they have back home, so Sam was giving hundred percent of his time in his work these days so that there is no need for him to extend. He missed YU like crazy. His sleepless nights that consist of Heartbeat were also plagued with worry about his boyfriend. 

He wanted to call him every minute he was gone. But he knows he was also busy with his work not to mention he had burdened him with additional worry when he asked him to look after his elders. He knows YU would never once utter a word of complaint. He trusted his family not to give him a hard time, but sometimes his dad could be a hard person to get along with. His uncles have quirks and all and his Baba was most of the time silent. He hopes YU was not too exhausted these days.

Sometimes when they talk, he could hear the tiredness mixed with pain in his voice. YU thought he could mask it from Sam but he knows. He could hear if something is bothering his boyfriend. He knows that he couldn't find a remedy for that as long as he is here. For as of this moment he was the one YU was worried about. If he is back home, another weight of worry would be lifted from his lover's shoulder.

"Sir... sir..." Bing Wei reached his office here in Ashley Gregory's company, Cache Corp, situated in Santa Clara near Intel headquarters. If all goes well, Hemith would finally set up an office building here as well. Sam knows he will not be the CEO at that time for just like before he was also planning to go on an early retirement once Heartbeat app is finally in the world circulation. Nothing change with that aside from this time, YU would be together with him till his time runs out.

"Mr. Lin... have you seen this? Do you know that Sir YU just recently goes on an IG live?" The man breathlessly informed as he sags over his desk. The mention of YU's name makes him snap out of his work mindset. "What? IG? You mean Instagram?" Sam blinks at his breathless assistant, quite confused. YU was not a fan of social media as much as him. Both of them kept what's private as private. So he's sure his assistant must be pertaining to a different person.

Bing Wei bobs his head up and down and gives him his phone. "He doesn't save the live, but I screen record it. I guess it was dedicated for you." 

Sam reached out for the phone and play the video. His heart clenches in longing as he watches YU play the guitar while singing Tonight. He heard the door closing, a signal that his assistant has left him alone to have privacy.

He was holding tightly on the phone while he watches his lover with eyes so compellingly beautiful stare on the camera lens of his phone full of want and love. And when YU paused at the near end and cries softly, Sam follows shortly.

He paused the video and rest his head on his desk while he cries his eyes out. He was trying to make himself busy so he will not think and worry about his boyfriend back home. He was missing him all this time but he was trying his best to fix all the things he was needing here so he can go home earlier or at least on the day he promised YU.

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