Split Soul

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Afterlife calls but I desire to stay
Destiny laid a plan I refused to follow
Staying by your side was my penance
It's better to be ripped in half and forever incomplete
For an existence without you is worse than death



This is an angsty chapter. Sorry for introducing it after a happy one, but this is a very important chapter. I left quite a few easter eggs in Part 1. So to those of you who have taken note of them... then I'm sure you will get what this chapter is for.

This one produces more questions than answers. But this is an essential one for it ties the truth between Zi Hong and Sam.


The sound of utensils falling loudly on the floor had awakened Sam from his blissful sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks once and twice to clear the fogginess of his gaze. Was YU preparing something at this hour? He yawns long before he finally realized he wasn't in their bed at the inn in the Adige but was sitting on a chair in the dining area inside what appears like YU's apartment.

Sam rubbed his eyes to see if he was seeing the real thing or not, for as far as he remembers he slept hugging YU last night. Is this a dream? He hasn't had any kind of weird dreams involving both of them since the night they reconcile their feelings. Sam thought it was because he had finally acknowledged what his brain always wanted all along. He had appeased its hunger so it finally put him at peace.

So what the heck is this? He tried to wake up but he was once again trapped in it like before. Sam looks around and he doesn't find anything weird in this aside from the decor of the apartment was different from what he was used to and the whole house looks like it wasn't cleaned properly for a long time.

Sam was a clean freak and because he was afraid that Yusuke might catch some illness due to dirt, he always makes sure he was cleaning the man's apartment almost every two days. After all, he was residing in that place more than his own condo. So this place doesn't look like YU's but at the same time, it was the same place... which is weird.

He tries to move his feet and when he realized he can, Sam jumps out of the chair and slowly walk towards the location of the noise. He headed towards it and saw a man standing in the middle of the messy kitchen. 

Sam's eyes widen for he knows the owner of that back. Not a single part of YU's body even up to his silhouette is something he could forget. The guy is still not moving so he approached nearer and what he sees brought out Sam's protective nature. In this dream, YU was holding a knife in one hand while his other hand is cover with blood. The red droplets slowly falling one after another towards the carrots that look like he was previously chopping.

He tries to reach out to take the injured hand but it was futile for he just slips through it. Sam closed his eyes as tears start to form in them. His heartwrenching dream when YU and he first made love came back to his consciousness. He tried to suppress it for he had already buried them as he promised YU not to think of the future anymore.

But now seeing a similar dream albeit a tamer one... could still shake Sam's will and disposition. Sam slowly opens his eyes and watches this version of YU. He was pale and dark circles were under his eyes. The man didn't even reach for the tissue roll at the corner to wipe the blood that is raising havoc inside Sam's heart. He knows this is just an illusion but even with that knowledge, Sam still doesn't want to see his love hurt like this.

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