To where it all started

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What's meant to be is meant to be. What's not would either left lessons or scars. Forgiveness can be given easily but forgetting the scars left behind would remain for the time being.


Sam was now driving his way back home yet his mind was left in Yusuke’s place. He wanted to stay, to make sure he will do good in the coming days. But reality sets in and life goes out of its way to slap him with the truth that those couple of days were something he just borrows from his short time stick.

That man is not the only one out there who needs him, but the scariest part in this is… it felt like he needed something from Yusuke. He needed him back. Sam closed his eyes for a moment and focus on the road.

He couldn’t afford to change lanes right now. He’s not like other people who could be indecisive and change goals whenever they like. He has a burden of sin right on his back that he couldn’t pay until his project turns into a success. He should forget that someone like him dares to think of needing someone else.

So when he gathered his wits back, he calls his assistant, Liu Bing Wei to resched his missed appointment with Akogare.

He knows Yusuke was about to find out who he is and even though he was trying to stop himself from feeling anything… he couldn’t help but be glad that he is the one who’ll gonna be there with him in this very important part of his life. 

That even though he could die the moment this Heartbeat app was pre-installed in every phone out there, at least Yusuke is one of those who could use it when he needs it the most. 

When he was not there anymore to save him from himself.


YU woke up in an empty bed. He turns on his side and gently caresses the place the man has slept on last night. Yes… the man sleeps with him again. And because of that, Yusuke slept as peacefully as a baby. He looked around, trying to see if there is even the shadow of the stranger this morning but… it looks like he indeed left this time for good.

He slowly went out of the bed and realized he can now walk without the wheelchair. Having that kind of good sleep helps his body to recuperate. His eyes fell on the nightstand. A sticky note was attached to the wooden surface.

A soft smile grows on his face. He snatches it up like a puppy who’s excited about a treat. 


To my stubborn but brave stranger,

There is ramen stored in the refrigerator. I’ve also ordered yesterday a microwave, for you seem lacking with main things to make yourself alive. Heat it and drink your meds. I’ve also made a fruit shake. It was on the tumbler right next to the covered bowl. 

Follow my instructions for I’ll be interrogating you when we see each other again.

Your savior,


Yusuke didn’t read the ramen nor he cares about the fruit shake and microwave at all. He looks back at the letter and there is one thing that seems relevant in this jumble letter.

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