Your name engraved herein

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"Ge... gege, can we continue the story? Please?" Shu Yi begged while pouting. He made his eyes appear bigger before blinking them into glassiness. He knows his older brother will not be able to say no to him.

The other kid smiles indulgently before tucking him under the bed. "We only have three more chapters to go. Don't you want to savor it one at a time?"

Shu Yi shakes his head. "Why would it end so soon? You are not even appearing fully in the scene." The older kid took the book and skim along with the last chapters and look back on the expectant Shu Yi, then shrugs.

"Hmmm... maybe in the sequel?"



Recommend to listen on these songs while reading the latter part. Your name engraved herein by Crowd Lu and How have you been by Eric Chou.


"YU... Yu Teng... it's nine in the morning already. Don't you have a scheduled gig today at eight?"

"YU... YU... do you want me to kiss you awake, huh?"

"I'm coming... one... two... three..."

"Ten kisses are not yet enough? Maybe I should take this waking-up session more seriously?"

"I'm going down and down and down, my heartbeat... be ready to wake up..."

YU wanted to open his eyes and see the owner of the voice. He knows it. It's him. It's Zi Hong. That deep timbre of his voice can melt his resolve. The tone that made him agree to his persuasions. And the gentle teasing manner that can make his heart flutter. 

"Zi Hong... Zi Hong... is that you?" YU asked, but no one answer came for even the echo of the previous voice is now gone and was replaced with emptiness and silence like the hollow darkness enveloping him.

"YU... Yusuke... have you turned off your alarm clock again?"

"Fine... fine. I'll be your personal alarm clock. Wake up now. You have a long meeting scheduled in the next hour, right?"

"Okay, I'll gonna carry you to the shower, hao? You can wake up in the hot tub while I wash your hair."

Similar voice... similar tone... similar timbre. But only YU knows that difference. This time it's Sam. It's the man who wakes him up every day so patiently like he was a fragile glass. The man who would lull him to sleep whenever he has nightmares. The lover who understands his every quirk, like, and fear.

"Sam... Sam... don't go. Stay... stay here... please..."

Dim lights welcome YU from the darkness he was in before. His eyes that are misty with tears open and were greeted with the empty space beside him. His fingers flutter over the cold surface... a sign that it was vacant for so long. Of course... it was just a dream... only in dreams, he could hear his lover's voice.

YU fisted the cold white sheet of the bed as his body trembles in tears of desperation, missing and longing. "I hate you, Lin Zi Hong. I love you, Sam Lin. What is hate? What is love? Is there a difference between them? They are all the feelings that exist inside me because of you." YU rested his tear-stricken cheeks on his lover's side of the bed, trying to find the remaining essence he left behind for him.

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