The hidden secret

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Past... present... future
What's more tragic? What's more painful?
If we do things in reverse will the tragedy finally ends?
Or will it all be in vain as destined?


Sunrise was a breathtaking view that YU wouldn't get tired of looking at. Daybreak always has this ambiance of a new beginning and right now as he sits beside the man while they munch on their burritos and fish & chips... YU was at peace. They didn't sleep and spent the entire night walking around Hyde Park and sightseeing. 

He was supposed to feel tired right now but he wasn't. His body might be exhausted but his heart was happy. This might not be the adventure they were looking for when they ditch their cruise ship ride... but it was still a different experience altogether. Something that YU can jot down in the long list of crazy but fun things Sam has made him do.

"Are you full?" He asked the man whose cheeks are fat due to the burrito he was enjoying right now. Sam nods his head. "This must be the best food I have ever eaten in my entire 27 years," Sam said with a toothy grin marred with some ketchup.

YU chuckles softly. "Don't tell me you haven't eaten these foods before. Aren't you the one who roams around the world for 4 years?" Sam put his burrito down and gently pull YU to rest his head on his shoulder. "I did. But those foods didn't come from the product of your talent and hard work. That's why these particular ones are very special."

YU leans closer to Sam while watching the sun up the bright sky. "You made the Heartbeat app out of your own sweat, blood, and ability, Sam. You already have a legacy in you. I wonder when I will have my own." His words were a bit melancholy which earns a worried frown from his man.

"YU, I hope you know that legacy is not just something other people will not forget for decades to come. It can also be a private one that you just share with few people you trust. It can also be a small thing you do that gives birth to change. It doesn't have to be grand or breathtaking. It all has to come out purely inside you." 

Sam reaches down and tucks YU's fallen hair behind his ear. "Please know, my heartbeat... that what you have done back then was the bravest thing in this world. You saved me from succumbing to my doubts and wrong beliefs. You fight to save both of us. And whatever our future will be... that is something you can call your legacy."

YU's eyes watered but he blinks it back. "That braveness was something you have given to me. For if I haven't seen in your eyes the desperation laced with longing for me... then I wouldn't have awakened to the fact that our relationship was worth fighting for." He leans up and softly kisses Sam's cheek. "I hope you know that I love you too much to force you into doing something you don't want to. Your love has lead to my own. And our future will be our shared legacy and nothing less."

Sam's eyes were red but his grin is big. "You know... love is indeed magical. I was a logical person before... not that I'm saying I turn into a fool albeit love fool... but if I will look back... me of one year ago would have frown down at me with derision."

"I didn't even imagine once that love would change me for the better. Nor it was powerful enough to make me feel strong emotions I didn't know possible. But even if someone would tell me that our love is doomed or it will bring us pain as we go on... I would never regret falling in love with you. For everything is worth it now you are here in my arms." Sam leans down and kisses YU's forehead.

YU's smile never falters.

If only they could remain like this forever... if only.

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