It's always been you

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Eternity and beyond felt like impossible
Spending forever with a beloved is a goal
But keeping thy flame forever might not be probable
Tears of failure marring a once perfection sound regrettable

Wanting to hold on to the fading memory
My heart shatters with undying fury
Listening to the hiccups my chest carry
It felt like I might go down in a hurry

Sky up bright with a shining bright star
I want to trace the sparkling from afar
Yet my heart hardens like an ore
And will myself to grovel on the floor

Believing that love will remain forever
What's left with my broken heart is in tatter
Forgiveness would be impossible but I falter
As I look at your begging eyes to reconsider

Love was supposed to be forgiving
Hurtful memory of your leaving
But my waiting arms are always giving
For my heart was always yours and loving


"You gave me the love that I never want to lose in my life"

Sam's eyes were like a spring of tears. When he opened them, it was Yusuke's clear dark ones that welcome him. He reaches up and grazes his fingers over that mole. YU leans closer to his hand while he savors the warmth he was giving. He closed his eyes and Sam couldn't take the peaceful look on YU's face as if he was his home.

His dream of that rainy night flash in his eyes. YU standing on the edge of the rails... Sam standing behind but couldn't do anything. The helplessness... the pain... the fear. It was all came crashing to Sam and that makes him jump out of his seat.

This is wrong. This entire sequence is wrong. He was given the ability to see the future... how can he selfishly do all of this after knowing what will happen if he proceeds with this tragic love. So Sam like a frightened person running away from the very thing he feared, sprint out of the room... leaving the hundreds of guests and the startled Yusuke in his wake.

Just a second more there and he might have subjected Yusuke to the very destiny he was fighting all this time to eradicate.

He is his love that he never wanted to lose in this lifetime... so in order to preserve him here... Sam has to disappear.

From YU's life forever...


YU had watched Sam run away as if his life depends on it. But Sam didn't think that YU's life was him and by making him stay he's not only saving Sam but also himself.

He will end this misunderstanding and anguish once and for all. So he didn't think twice when he runs after the man. Yusuke's pace accelerates upon reaching the elevator but he didn't manage to be on time for Sam's elevator already closed. YU shakes his head as he bites his lips while clicking the button multiple times.

Sam couldn't escape tonight. For if he did... YU was sure he will hide himself wherever he will not find him. He didn't know why Sam was so adamant about this but he will not let him make a choice that will affect both of their lives. Whatever the thing Sam was fearing of... YU will learn about it tonight. He wasn't afraid for he knows that whatever it might be he will face it with Sam whatever it takes.

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