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Raindrops falling from the gloomy night sky
Under the umbrella of my protection
Who will treat you like a child when I'm gone?
Can you trust me with your secret?
Let me take you away...


"Just got home and you are already looking for another vacation spot?" Sam was startled out of his wits when Zack asked over his shoulder unexpectedly. He crinkles his nose before throwing a pointed look at the bystander. "None of your business." He then logs out of the browser window and closes his laptop with a snap.

"How can I help you?" The slightly irritated Sam asked while he motion Zack to sit in front of his desk, his tone laced with sarcasm. Zack didn't take it to his heart and toss 4 portfolio folders on his desk.

Sam eyed it without browsing its content. He waited till Zack was finally comfortably seated before he raises his eyebrow in question. "That's the strategic reports YU has sent out to me for the Nagoya account we are working at." Zack pushes the folders near to Sam, a sign he wanted him to look at them. Sam takes one folder and skim through the first few pages and finds nothing wrong with it.

"Why are you showing this to me? Hemith is not part of this account nor it is related to Heartbeat. Aren't you aware of your own company's data protection rules?" 

Zack rolls his eyes. "Stop being so prissy, boss. You will forget what I show you in a few seconds. Now shut up and look on the other folders." Sam crossed his arms over his chest and cock his head to the side. "Don't you know that I have a photographic memory?" 

The other guy just shakes his head but still pushed the matter forward. So Sam humors the man and looks at the other files in hand. There is nothing wrong with them... in fact, they were organized and detailed as heck. YU might have consolidated every executives' ideas in this one elaborate final output. 

"I'm not seeing anything wrong here aside from knowing this account will turn out as a success. YU did well with his decisions and plans jotted down here." Sam shrugs before tossing the folder from his hand back to the pile on the table.

"I'm not saying there is anything wrong there. But didn't you even notice that they are all identical?" 

That made Sam's frown deepen. "What? I don't know if I'm processing what you are saying correctly." Zack leans over his desk. "What I mean is he had sent me this report four times."

Sam scratched his head for he still couldn't see the entire picture. "Maybe it is his assistant who sent it incorrectly." Zack shakes his head. "The first day YU is back in the office, he had given me that first report in the orange folder. Then a week after he asked my assistant to get a Nagoya report from his office. When my assistant gives it to me, I didn't read the thing and put it on my desk. After a few days, he had sent his assistant this time... to send the similar fucking report."

Zack stood up and as if agitated. "Then I just realize this whole thing when I go through all the Nagoya files and saw three identical ones. So of course, I had to address it to the man, but when I got to his office earlier this morning he had another fucking report for this account sitting right on his desk with a sticky note saying the damn thing has to be delivered to me."

Sam's chest felt a bit stuffy. He also noticed YU was a bit off lately, however he couldn't put a finger on it. Nothing particularly changes... it is just he was sometimes too quiet for Sam's taste... as if he was thinking about something.

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