Just to see you again

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Two broken half of each other finally join once again in a bond so precious... friendship. And that's more than enough... for now.


Sam's smile was wiped out in an instant when he saw Yusuke's face paled and he steps back as if he saw a ghost. He was looking forward to this meeting, for it's been two weeks since he saw this guy. But if he shocked him into paleness then he should have told him his name instead of trying to surprise him. 

He wanted to grab his arm and see if he's fine but Yusuke recovered after a moment and tentatively meet his palm with a sweaty trembling one. Is he still sick? Sam worriedly thought.

The board of the directors of Hemith has been adamant to see results and was blaming him behind his back for the postponement of this merger, but Sam didn't give a damn of what they thought. 

He needed Yusuke here. And he would not sacrifice his health by pushing the meeting earlier than today. So he had distracted the members with another side project of his. A gaming one that looks very profitable to young adult consumers and that made the mouths of the money-hungry directors shut for a moment.

He needed their eyes away from the Heartbeat project until he could guarantee that everything will move smoothly. They wanted to profit big, he could give them that. As long as it meant they're out of his tail even just for a short time.

But if he knows Yusuke was still not doing good... he should have moved it further. He should be the one to be blamed though. No one knows how many times he enters his car to drive and visit the man, but the logical part of his mind stops him from doing so. If only he just let himself follow his feelings... he should have known this is not the right time.

"Fan Jiang Yan Feng, Akogare's Vice President. Head of the Marketing strategy department and your main contact." The voice from behind interjected as the man Sam recognized from the picture frame in Yusuke's bedroom stretch his hand for an introduction. Sam even with his self-proclaimed business smile now plastered in his face couldn't stop himself from tightening his jaw. 

This is the bastard...

He wanted to wipe the smile on that man's face but reminded himself that this is work. Yet his work is Heartbeat app so if he smacks the living daylights out of this man it can be considered as eliminating threats for his prospective users.

He doesn't like this man. Nothing to be surprised about that since he doesn't like anyone who's like his father. And this one reeks too much of him. Yet Sam has to be professional enough not to blow this meeting when all eyes are on him if he fails.

"Good to know." He looks at the man's outstretched hand without taking away his hold of Yusuke's and just nods in his direction. After that, he didn't give the guy anything more.

Maruyama Yusuke finally recovers from the initial shock and gave him what Sam's already familiar with: his signature glare. Which earn a little smile from him. "Mr. Lin... the pleasure is mine." The tone of Yusuke's voice was cutting but his eyes slowly soften. 

"Just Sam would suffice," 

Yusuke pursed his lips and Sam was sure he was trying not to curse him in front of the company. "Then you have to call me YU then." 

"Deal," Sam acquiesce before he let go of YU's hand.

YU... that suits him. He mused.

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