Part 2: Eternal Bliss

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Sandy desert storm approaches me as I go.
Stormy sea ranging havoc to and fro.
Shadowy canopy of tall trees suffocating me with darkness.
Fiery magma sprouting up the surface of wilderness.

Forces of nature coerce to stop me from moving.
Planets align to hinder me from success.
Mountains raise up to the sky... looming.
Blackhole threatens to gobble me up to its deepest recess.

Yet I stand tall, unmoving, and relentless.
Things might not go my way, regardless.
Tantamount effort might not be enough.
But courage and resolute mindedness will take me through.

Nature can be sometimes scary...
Nonetheless, when the sun goes down and the light goes out.
It will rise up ones again... shining mesmerizingly.
Nothing else matters for the short darkness giving way to the bright new me was worth the wait.


"I'm the king of the world!!!"

The man in a Hawaiian button-down that was open all the way, showing smooth torso and pecs that could put a lot of men in shame... shouted from the top of his lungs. He was currently standing on the rails at the bow of the cruise ship while his hair was being blown by the crazy wind. 

YU watched in amusement with a tint of helplessness. A year ago, if someone would tell him that his current boyfriend, Sam Lin, would stand on the edge of a ship shouting Titanic's iconic line while many people around watching... with that kind of exuberant abandon... YU would laugh at that someone's face. 

Most of the time he felt like a nanny to a 28 years old man who for the first time since he learned about his timed life... finally start truly living.

He was a dork when he does those silly faces YU loves. He was a child when he runs after YU all across the entire apartment with a bowl of vegetables for him to eat. He was a madman when they go on a motorcycle road trip 3 months ago while driving to the speed of light. He was a clown when he dressed like one to surprise him on their second monthsarry. And lastly, he was a nightmare when he shocked YU to death during that wee hour he tried to cook instant ramen in secret.

He was like a bomb and YU had personally taken the safety pin. But despite all of that... YU was never been prouder. Sam had finally let go of his fears and let him in. He let his closed-off world open not only to YU but also to challenges, happy times, and impromptu decisions. He was a changed man and YU will not take it any other way.

Love indeed could do wonderful things. It can bring hurt when you try your best to suppress it... but when you let it reside fully inside your heart, it can free you and make you soar up to the wind with glee written on your face.

As YU looked up on Sam who was grinning from ear to ear... there is only one word in his mind. Perfection. People say that there is no such thing a something perfect. Everyone and everything has flaws. But for YU... if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... then perfection should also be in the heart of the one feeling it. For at this moment... under the afterglow of the sunset... he could now conclude that his life is perfect.

He has it all. For he has Sam. When his future grandkids would ask him what would be his greatest life achievement, he would not say being a CEO in his mid-twenties... nor his bountiful bank accounts. His answer would be his luck to meet his true love, fight for him and finally live his ever after with him.

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