My unbreakable love

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You are the love that I never want to lose in my life
Stay, my unbreakable love.


To be needed by many people was a blessing and privilege. Something Sam had already see himself doing for the duration of his short stay in this world. To say that his dreams and wishes were starting to align with his luck was just an understatement. He was now getting everything he wanted. Or so what he thought he only wanted.

The Heartbeat app was being accepted by the Taiwanese crowd like it was a necessity. There have been a few code red cases that were successfully actioned and saved throughout the first two weeks it was released to the general public.

And now he will spread this legacy of his to abroad. He didn't know how long he will still live, but it looks like he had already outlived his biological father for a few months now... so he wasn't so pessimistic. Silicon Valley and primarily Mrs. Gregory and his numerous partners are willing to provide all the necessary funds, resources, and connections to bring Heartbeat to the US. 

If the Sam Lin of four years ago would be on his place now... or to say truthfully even just him of a few months ago... he would be ecstatic to the point that he could conclude that he couldn't ask for anything more.

But well... love knocked on his door and made him long. Made him want... made him crave. It was a very intense feeling that even when he was in a middle of a very busy day and just remember YU's eyes and the smile he always gives him, it felt like he was going to have a heart attack. It was so painful. But sometimes pain is what makes people go on their lives. And that's what he was planning to do.

He still has unfinished business in this world. Once he had branched out Heartbeat to America, he would retire for good. He would let his trusted teams and executives make their success go on further. If he was lucky maybe he will still see the time the Heartbeat app will be pre-installed on every phone in the world. But if not... he was already fulfilled. He knows his legacy would help the future and shape it into a much better world for generations to come. He was satisfied.

Sam has already planned what he will do after the success of Heartbeat in the States. He had checked a few small beach houses and he will buy the one he would choose at the end. A small but sad smile has crept up to his face. He can see himself sitting on a beach chair while he was looking up at the night sky wondering if Yusuke was also looking up at the same time back in Taiwan. Then it would also be a beautiful place to stay for his final days.

But as long as he was alive, he will still visit Taiwan from time to time. Even just to catch a glimpse of a happy YU as he watches from afar. To visit the few places they have been through together while he reminisces the past so beautiful. Maybe he will also give Lyudao a chance again even just for the memory of his once beautiful dream about that.

Sam knows it was a lonely existence. But at least he had managed to pay his father's debt, become a person who wasn't like him, and moreover... he had saved YU from the disaster he would have endured if he fights for their doomed love. Sometimes, a person just needs to accept that life is not a pretty romance novel. Not everyone could have a happy ending. And not all sad ending was disastrous after all. They are just... sad.

He was in Hemith's office now after finishing all the transition needed for the team he had left behind. He will still be the CEO and will manage from San Francisco.

It was actually a good thing to finally be back in San Franciso. After all, while walking on the Golden Gate bridge, he first started to formulate the blueprint of the Heartbeat app. When he sees the emergency suicide phone there and realized that not all bridges have that nor suicides only happened in bridges but also at home and anywhere... he decided to use the one thing almost all people have: smartphones.

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