Wishing you were here

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Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you I can just look up
And know the stars are holding you, holding you, holding you tonight


Harvesting oranges and mangoes didn't sound so fun until now. When Sam told him that his dads and uncles were robust and healthy individuals despite their age, YU didn't believe at first until now. He guessed he had a lot of things he doesn't know which he will about to learn. 

They have been doing this since early morning and the faces of the four old men couldn't even be seen a single frustration or tiredness. When he asked Uncle Evan if he wanted to rest first and Yusuke would cover for the trees allocated to him, the man just snickers and said, "I can do this all day." 

YU wipes his sweat with the sleeve of the long sleeves he was wearing. He smells like the sun mixed with citrus. It doesn't sound so appealing but his day was fulfilling. This is what occupies his time when he is not missing his man.

Every night, he was being plagued by fears and tears. That's why he like mornings and afternoons... because at least he can put himself to use and lessen the amount spend pinning for Sam.

It's been a week already and he sometimes pushes his body to exhaustion so at night he could just forget Sam is not beside him and finally find the long-awaited good sleep. But he realized that not tiredness and exhaustion could lull him to slumber... it was his beloved who could.

He hates what he was feeling right now for he knows that Sam was working his ass off for the betterment of many people and at the same time because he wanted to go back home faster... so him texting and calling Sam multiple times would only stress him and make his stay there longer.

So despite YU wanting to listen to his man's voice, to watch him prepare his suit and shoes every morning, to hear his laughter echoing the other line... he limits himself to one short call a day. It was killing him... but he has to understand that he is his partner, not his only person in this world. Many people depend on him... and as someone who claims to love him... he has to understand and help Sam lighten up his burden.

"Kid, have you forgotten your basket again?" Tian asked behind him, making YU jump forward. He was startled by the man making YU hold on to the orange tree in front of him. "Calm down, kid. You've been plucking oranges from that tree and making them fall on the ground. We are not making marmalade under our boots, just so you are aware."

YU looks down and his mouth widens in a big O shape. Damn! It looks like he was making it rain with orange. So he immediately apologized and promise to get a basket in the storage area.

He gently shakes his head as things getting worst and worst with each passing day. Last night he had left the stove's fire open even if he had put it on his to-do list already. It wasn't the first instance. On the second day of his stay here, he had given an incorrect medicine to Uncle Ray for he had forgotten the one he had asked him to take. The poor man trusted him enough to just pop in his mouth the tablet without looking at it. It is a good thing... no bad side effect has occurred. When Tian realizes the allotted pills for Uncle Ray's day have a remaining one... that's the only time they learn his mistake.

He wonders why Sam's family still hasn't thrown him out of their property till now. It's indeed a miracle how understanding they are. He went here to take care and look after them, but it was appearing like he was the one they have to look after.

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