That's all that matters

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One moment... one night... one touch
We are running out of time
The world pushing us apart
If one time is all we have
I'll take it and love you as I should


"Have you eaten yet?"

Three months ago when he saw Sam wearing a bandage marred with blood in his hand, his heart was stabbed into a messy pulp. Now... seeing this face that if he hadn't memorized every slope and angle... he would not recognize. His left eye is swollen and the white part of his eyes looks redder than anything else. Soaked with rain from head to foot while shivers were visibly seen by him.

YU's trembling hand almost reaches out to grab him inside but he forces himself to stop the act. He ended up slipping the said hand into his pants pocket. He wetted his lips and bite his cheeks to stop any kind of emotion to be shown on his face after the initial shock. But his heart was squeezing itself right now angrily trying to force Yusuke to do what it wants. Take Sam in his arms.

Is it worth it? Are the pain and battered face worth being a hero? 

YU couldn't help but spout in his mind all those questions. He wanted to pull Sam and shake him. Why can't you just choose me? Why is one heart not enough? Why am I not enough?

Is it so hard to give me a chance? Just one chance to prove that I will not hurt you. Not like them. 

Have you realized you can ask me anything and I'll give it to you? If you can just look at me even a tad differently from others then I'm willing to protect you while you protect others. I'm willing to block winds, rain, and danger if it means to keep you from turning into this battered version of yourself?

But why can't I? Why can't it be me?

YU closed his eyes and swallow the ranging emotion inside him. He reined himself back to his usual composure. "Sam, I'm in a hurry tonight. Go home now. Let's talk tomorrow." He tries to step out but the wet battered man didn't move an inch from where he was standing. Rain was pouring over his head soaking him more and more. YU felt like he was about to go crazy if he kept stopping himself from pulling him inside.

But as if Sam has read his mind, he takes a step towards him, making YU step back... giving him room to enter halfway through the door. He offered the dripping bouquet to YU which he only eyed while he tries to look irritated than worried. "That looks ruined, Sam. Throw it and don't let it touch my jacket. I'm heading out now." He tries to squeeze past him but Sam lets the flower fall from his hands to the floor and grab his arm to stop him from moving.

YU's eyes fell on the hand over him. His vest jacket got wet with water mixed with tint of blood. So his hands were also hurt... YU took a deep breath trying to maintain his calm and look straight to Sam.

"You've just ruined my suit." He carelessly pulls his arm and brushes the moisture away. "Don't make a mess now. I don't have time to clean them after you. You are dripping on the floor. Go back tomorrow if you want but fix yourself first." YU was dying to escape because one more second he spends in Sam's company he knows he'll gonna give way and pull him to himself to treat his wound and make a fuss over his injuries.

But if he gives in then all the four weeks of agony he had gone through would be in vain. Sam would find his right mind by tomorrow after he gains his sanity back. And things will get back to what they should be. YU didn't know how he could handle another emotional breakdown if he will not stay away.

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