Wo ai ni

715 37 5

Hidden feelings trying to burst out of its gilded cage
Heart yearning to be release
Love that yours till I take my last breath
Forgive me, beloved.


The fresh fruity scent of oranges emanates around the area. Tian was sitting in a wooden swing at the front porch of Richard's rest house. 

This place has a different sentimental value for the four men. In this place, Richard watches his business partner and good friend Zi Hong died a lonely death at the same time Sam opens his eyes to see this world. 

For Evan, it was the constant reminder of the secret he tried to kept and a promise that was never been fulfilled.

For Ray, it was an acquired taste for Sam was attached to this place and it has become a constant vacation spot for the entire family.

For Tian, it was where his entire world shattered upon learning that both his closest friends died because of destiny's cruel ploy. This is also where his family was built, for without this place... Sam would not become the reason he has a fulfilled life now.

But despite the different values each of them sees this orchard... there is one thing that they will agree on. In this orchard... on the secluded gazebo at the far corner, lies the remains of Yang Yu Teng and Lin Zi Hong.

These two that Fate separated in life should at least be reunited in death. So the gazebo that stood as the witness of their first meeting was turned into a mausoleum commemorating their tragic but true love.

But now, Tian couldn't appreciate the scent of newly riped fruits and the fresh air it brings, for his focus was on his phone while his head kept on leaning forward to watch for his son's car.

It was already quarter past eleven in the evening, yet Sam was still not here. The hard-headed kid had sent him a one-liner text saying he will be here for dinner.

But once again, he had failed to pop up. This constant missing family dinner Sam was doing for the past months didn't sit well with Tian. He didn't know why he was not feeling good about Sam's changes.

He knows that he was already an adult and almost at the right age of marriage... but he couldn't help but see him as a child still.

Whatever happens, even if his physique was already broader than him and his height was taller... he will always remain as a small crying child that needed protection and attention in Tian's eyes.

Maybe that's how parents act. They become afraid when their children start to do things without their help, move to places without asking for their permission, and living their life away from them. 

Tian was extremely proud of Sam. His independence and passion to help were some of his son's good traits. He trusted him enough to turn into a great adult. It is just... he was afraid that he might get hurt or he will turn into another Zi Hong.

He was getting afraid sometimes whenever he looks at him. He was Zi Hong's replica and not only that... some of his habits, favorites, and actions remind him of his late best friend which ends up giving him nightmares at night.

Sam's real paternal heritage and Zi Hong's love for Yu Teng will be the ones to take the huge blow if ever the four men's theories end up being correct.

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