The lucky one

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Yearning in silence while my eyes laid on you
Keeping inside the flame that burns in my heart
One touch, one smile, one embrace
That luck is yours and always will be


Warm breeze blew the slightly disheveled hair of Yusuke while he basks under the sunlight. He's currently sitting over the lush green Bermuda grass in front of his Oto-san and Okaa-san's twin grave.

It was his family tradition to visit this tomb once every six months. Before his father died, they do this tradition together. Now, despite everything... YU never ceases on following what he was used to.

Her mom died during childbirth. Both of them would have died that day he was born if not because a certain stranger saves her from the ranging truck while his mom was crossing the street.

It was a shame his Oto-san didn't see the man's face when he fetches his mom before she goes on labor just a few hours from that incident.

It was tough growing up without a mother. His father was a very attentive one and he knows he loves him... but he was still jealous of his playmates before when they were fetched by their respective mothers after a long day in the playground.

YU seldom cries when he was a child, for he knows no mother would console him to calm down.

His father might, but everyone knows most fathers came with tough skins and his Oto-san is no different.

However, there is only one time when he let his tears flow freely. He still remembers that day like it just happened yesterday.

He was waiting for his driver one afternoon after his piano lesson, and he was taking a while to come so he decided to explore the garden beside his classroom.

There is a huge acacia tree nearby. YU saw a wheel swing was disentangled from its cord and was lying on the ground instead of hanging by the tree branch.

He wanted to use the swing but the tree was too tall for him. The young version of him was as stubborn as he was now, so he takes matters into his own hands and proceeds on climbing the tree with the cord of the swing in hand.

It might be his first time climbing anything at all for his father forbid him to do so with a fear that he might get physically hurt. 

So it was a challenged Yusuke was having fun taking. The thought of slight defiance to his father also adds to the thrill as he climbs.

When he reaches his desired branch, he carefully tied the cord and his grin goes up to heaven when the swing looks like it was ready to be used. He was about to start climbing down when he realized he couldn't do so. 

The tree height felt too far away from the ground and that's the only time he realized he had fear of heights. So the trembling young Yusuke doesn't know what to do.

He forced himself not to cry and look around if there is someone who could help him but when he found none... his eyes couldn't help but water. Then the next thing that happened almost cost him his life.

The tree branch where he was at starts to break and he ends up holding on to the other branch out of reflex before he meets the ground.

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