Prologue (Part 4)

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A new beginning that has been given for two souls that ended with an ill-fated destiny... Will the right outweighs the wrong? Will death could separate two hearts fighting to be together in a lifetime that wasn't fair, to begin with?


Chi Li Qi cradle a fat little baby in his arms under an orange tree. The sun was not so bright nor it was too dim, a perfect day for a walk. He looks down on the crackling bundle of joy… this little guy here looks so innocent and mischievous at the same time.

Richard fell in love with this baby since the day it opens its eyes and smile toothlessly at him. Yet he… a bachelor with an orchard to managed and a self-proclaimed workaholic was not a fit father figure and will never be. 

Yet remembering his promise… he has to make this right. He has to find a babysitter or if all goes downhill, he has to find a good family to take him in. He has hope things had gone differently. If only it does…

He heard a footstep approaching him, so he turns on his heels and came face to face with his caretaker. He raised a quizzical eyebrow and gave him his attention. 

“Someone came and demanded to see you, boss.”

Richard’s eyebrows meet in a frown. This is not the right time… so it was impossible for…

“Is it the interior designer?” He asked. It must be that guy. He had called a designer to help him with something regarding the orchard. However, their scheduled meeting was not today.

“I don’t think so. The one outside is a lean guy and he looks pissed as hell.” His caretaker informed.

Fuck… he murmured under his breath.

Why the freaking heck YU’s here? Did Evan make a mess out of the correct timeline? Damn it… this is not the right time…

He started to step towards the place his caretaker pointed out when he realized he was carrying the baby. He looks back to the man behind him. “Chen Li, can you please take him to the nursery?” He placed the baby in the other man’s arms and proceed to meet

Yang Yu Teng.

This gonna be a long headache of a day

He’s pretty sure of it.

When he reached the wooden gate, the man’s back was facing him so he wasn’t sure if he indeed guesses right. So instead of calling him out, he started to approach.

The man sensed him so he turns to face Richard. He was kinda shocked to see Shi Chih Tian here instead of Yu Teng, but he thinks it’s a much better situation than he anticipated.

“Bro… what brings you here?” He started, but instead of a half-hug Tian usually afforded him when they meet, a strong hard fist meets his unprepared face that made him staggered back. 

“Bro my ass! How dare you?” Tian fumingly approaches him. “We’ve been seeing each other almost once a month yet you had the guts to kept to me that you’ve been hiding that bastard’s ass all along?” He grabbed Richard’s left collar and lift his face near him.

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