Prologue (Part 2)

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"People cry not because they pity the dead... they cry because they were left behind."


Shi Chih Tian was known to be an enthusiastic and lively kind of a guy even in the midst of the hardest times of his life. He always knows how to react in every situation. But right now... as he clenches on the silver lock necklace inside his fist... he was lost for words.

He wanted to storm inside the room and shake the heck out of the corpse of his friend of 5 years, but that would be a disrespect to the dead's body. He wanted to punch the wall over and over again... maybe... just maybe it will lessen the emotional toll this entire situation has put him under. He wanted to turn back time and stay that night and stop YU from jumping off that bridge. He should have done something... he should have.

Chih Tian just realized he has already turned into a sobbing mess. Fat hot tears pour out like a flood suffocating him as he holds tighter on the necklace his best mate cherished.

They say that people cry not because they pity the dead... it was because they pitied themselves for they have been left behind. The dead were already free... while the loved ones were the ones burdened with the memories that linger for a long time more than the soul of the departed ever will.

But in this case, with YU's case... Shi Chih Tian pitied both. Him and most of all YU. That person doesn't deserve this kind of ending.

He opened his fist and look at the lock pendant as if it was YU's eyes. He knows that guy didn't shed a single tear till the very end. When he swears something he'll definitely commit to it whatever it takes. That's why right now, every single tear Chih Tian is dropping was all for YU. He'll be the one to do the crying in his place.

After a long moment, he wipes all the tears and calms himself down. He has no time for this. He has too many things to do. And the first thing is to kill someone. Shi Chih Tian's eye darkens as he remembered that scumbag's face.

He has once considered Lin Zi Hong as his best friend. Yet at this moment, he has never been ashamed of anything in his life other than being associated with someone like him. That man killed YU. He might not have been the one to push him off the rails... but Zi Hong has ended YU even before that faithful night. He has killed his heart the moment he has exited the door of their 4 years shared apartment.

He has always looked up to this ex-best friend of his. Lin Zi Hong has it all. A successful career, a loving boyfriend, and a future so bright and perfect that it feels like a predestined luck. But all that admiration ended when he has broken the trust and heart of the person he had claimed to cherished till the day he died.

In the end, Chih Tian has chosen to stand on YU's side and helped him pick himself up and dust off all the pain Zi Hong has inflicted. But YU never recovered... nor he had the will to. He's already been dead long before he has jumped off that bridge.

Shi Chih Tian knows that already but he still hoped that maybe... just maybe Zi Hong would come to his senses and grovel on the ground while crawling in all fours for YU's forgiveness. He had waited in a batted breath. 1 month comes... then two... until a year pass... yet not even a shadow of Lin Zi Hing appears. It was as if he was gone from the face of the earth.

The sad thing is... it was not only him who's been waiting all this time. YU... with all his calm sweet smile of reassurance that he has already moved on... could never hide from Shi Chih Tian how badly he had wished and waited for Zi Hong to come back.

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