Who am I?

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Smiles like rays of sunshine lighten my entire world
Sweet words uttered and showered like sprinkles
Intimacy shared in abundance felt so good
Eyes filled with love and adoration sparkles
Our love story looks surreal
Your love never made me doubt
That your intentions were never real
For I see in your eyes that unwavering light

Yet you hide the lies behind those smiles
Promised of forever was just a hoax
As you let deception in both ends flies
Letting heartache in me evokes

Betrayal was your thorny gift
Sweet memories that were built in lies
Let me leave behind the filth
That you called love which is nothing but lies


Series of thunders hammering the sky. Lightning was reflecting aplenty on the aqua blue glass walls of the gazebo. The entire place felt like an ice museum. Yusuke starts to tremble not only due to uneasiness but also because he was soaked by the rain.

He leans his head on the closed door. This place might look peaceful but if he will stay here for a few more days he might end up insane. It's been a while since he has dreams like that. And the strange part is before, his dreams have no faces... but now... it was Sam and his. 

He knows that his brain is faulty at best. Four years before he met Sam, nightmares start to plague his usually mundane and monotonous life. And then Sam came and they calm down. He seems to be the answer to his endless questions. His love heals him.

But when he read that damn diagnosis and realized that there is a huge possibility that he might not be able to hold on to his promise, things start to go downhill. How can he stick to his promise when he'll end up forgetting everything including the man he made that pact of?

However, things will not change even if he grovels on the floor and pray. All he can do is toughen himself up and give his best till the end. For Sam and him... for true love... and for what was to come.

A loud noise of a fallen object made YU jump out of fright. Jeez... What the heck was that? YU slowly turns around. This gazebo was eerily dark and silent, aside from that abrupt falling of something, only the rain showers and thunderstorms outside bring sound and noise.

The place was divided by a white see-through veil. The part in which he was currently standing was empty. Yet he was sure that there is something behind that veil. Because when lightning showers lights inside it bounce back as if there is a huge mirror behind.

Mirror? Why there should be a mirror in a secluded place like this? Is this some setting for a horror movie? YU was never been a fan of that kind of genre. Not that he believed in anything paranormal or something like that. It is just the nature of humans to fear what they couldn't see.

He'll very well stay where he is until the rain stops. He'll not go exploring or whatnot. That's how characters in horror movies end up dying. If they only stay where they are, they shouldn't have encounter things they fear.

YU rubs his cold arms to stop himself from shivering. This place is so damn cold. He might end up turning into an icicle if this goes on like this.

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