Chapter 3

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I stay there still can't believe this is already starting I'm so annoyed I knew I shouldn't have moved here typical me to have my mininmal hopes and be positive and crushed not even 24hours into being in Spain

"Don't mind these dumbasses they're just pointless and like to make themselves feel better by picking on others" Amaia says

"Then why don't you go away Amaia you always follow along" Enzo tells her

"You know why dufus don't be stupid but don't worry I don't like you either" she says and she flips him off

Amaia grabs my hand and we sit down together on the other side so we can try and avoid the others and wait for the waiter to get to us to order food I look at the menu and my eyes go wide when I see these prices and I hear all the others ordering the most expensive things they can find on the list I wonder if they even like this or if they just prêtend because they want to seem like something cool for their expensive taste
I breathe when I hear Amaia order something reasonable and it actually sounds tasteful so I order the same thing and the waiter walks away

"So tell me about you Nell I love your name super cool" she says

"Um thanks and not much I love to read books and watch movies and try to go out from time to time as long as it not for shopping I really don't enjoy that" I say I'm a soft whisper

"Cool I love books to I spend most my time reading I stick to romance books I know so cliche but I love it no lie and I binge watch shows all the time we're so much alike I'm going to love being your friend I know it sounds sad but I have no one at school or anywhere" she says honestly

"I know how you feel so I can't judge you but that's crazy since you have a popular sibling you'd think he'd watch out for you" i say

"Enzo is a glorified dick head and cares about himself and what those idiots think I mean hell never let anyone hurt but when comes to body jokes he doesn't give a fuck thinks I chose to look like this" she says

"Damn I'm sorry and I know what that's like I mean i don't think having meat on your bones makes you unattractive but in this world that's not the case" I say

"Yeah and when you have perfect looking parents and brother people charge even more but I'm okay with standing out" she says

Our food then arrives at the table and we start eating and everyone is silent except when the boys would make jokes and me and Amaia would roll our eyes
I'm having a nice time being around Amaia but honestly being around the others was killing me I couldn't wait to go home wishing the parentals would eat faster

The door slowly automatically opens and parents start to walk in mine and Amaia mom and one other lady I have no idea who she is

"Well hello kids I see everyone is done with dinner I hope it was delicious some of you your parents are waiting" Martina says smiling

Most of the group gets up and leaves after saying goodbye they don't even bother to look Amaia or my way because of course don't fit their standards

This otherlady then leads my mom towards Thiago don't ask how I remember his name so quickly but I do and he stands up smiling at her

"Omg Angelina he is so handsome you must be so proud" my mom says and I roll my eyes

"Hello mam it's nice to meet you" Thiago says all nice and cordial

"Oh handsome, and well mannered now that's what i call a catch let me introduce you to my daughter one second", and she starts looking around and then yells" Nell get over here" she yells

I walk over looking down and dragging my feet can lightening strike me now

"Now Nell young ladies don't drag their feet remember" she whispers but everyone hears her god she so embarrassing

"This my daughter Nell she starting in your school actually" my mother starts

"Ahh how exciting you two may have classes together maybe you can hangout" Angelina says

"I guess I'll see you around welcome" he whispers

"Yeah maybe when your not around your popular friends which is never typical wouldn't you say? I say not caring

"Nell you don't speak to others like that" my mom yells

"I'm sorry sometimes she gets in over her head she not normally like this" I swear

"Oh hun no need to apologize teenagers are troublesome it's their age" Angelina blows it over like nothing

"Well if everyone will excuse me I'm going to be waiting out along with father mom you know I have to wake up early" I say and walk out

She literally takes another 20 minutes before walking out and I roll my eyes

"Did you have fun reliving your glory years since that so important to you mom" I ask her

"Hunny I was trying to make you friends I don't want the same thing to happen to you" she explains

"HAHA you expect those self entitled, perfect, looking rich kids to speak to let alone be my friends now that's a joke if I ever hear one" I laugh at her fairytale

"Thiago seemed very nice hunny and you were speaking to my friends daughter she seemed nice" mom tries reasoning with me

"Me and Amaia were in the back corner alone no one even bothered to get to know me I was more of An annoyance and Amaia was the only nice one to make things bare able" I explain to her

"Goodnight hell starts tomorrow better get sleep at least thats the only good thing" I say

"We love you hunny" mom yells making sure I hear

Yeah right I think and roll my eyes


Hi everyone thank you for reading Secretly Mine I hope you are enjoying it as much as I lvoe love writing this story

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