Chapter 29

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It's been a whole week since we went to the park and Matias asked me to be his date to the Endless formal in front of Thiago and I've been ignoring him ever since and to say it's pissing him off is very accurate I've ignored him when he comes over, school and through text I'm so over his mood swings one second I'm beautiful and making him feel things to the next he's to embarrassed to ask me to go to a stupid formal with him

I get in my car and drive to school to go get my corrections on an assignment so I can resubmit it with different factors
Once I park I grab my bag and start walking

While walking I feel eyes on me and it's irritating so I look up quickly and can see that it's Thiago and his crew and some girls I can even spot the girl he asked to the ball Missy I actually don't mind her she's actually nice and sincere so I see why Thiago asked her she's typical perfect girl I think to myself after looking away immediately I hear my name being called so I turn around and it's him so I roll my eyes and keep going on my way

"Nell I know you hear me!" he says walking faster

And then I finally feel him pull my arm and turn me around he left his friend group and they are all looking over at us

"What do you want Thiago I'm clearly not in the mood to talk to you right now" I say

"Right now? how about the whole last week Nell you avoided me like plague" he says

"Sounds fitting huh and yes I know I have" I say

"Whats wrong with you? Explain to me what your problem is!" He ask

"You!" i say simply

"Me? What have I done to you to make you feel like I should be ignored" he ask

"Everything Thiago the secrets, the basically being in a relationship with me behind closed doors and when we're in public I basically just a charity case to you so please leave me alone and go to Missy or other women like her" I say

"I don't want you going to the formal with my brother" he says

"Well you have one heck of a way of showing that now I'm going to leave now" I say

"Nell you can't walk out of my life I won't let you" he says

"Well I'm walking away from what ever this is Thiago we can talk sure but everything else is dead okay bye" she says and storms away from me

I say and head on my way to get my assignment and go back out because me and Amaia have to meet our moms to go dress shopping

Thiago POV

I get home I'm still angry I can't believe this is happening I've been going crazy because Nell has been avoiding me for a week no communication whatsoever it's driving me insane and my own brother
I walk in and see Matias on the coach

"Let's talk!" I say

"Hey little brother what's up?" he ask

"Why Matias in hell would you ask Nell to the formal?" I say angered

"Why wouldn't I she's cool and we gotta go anyways I might as well go with someone whose cool to be around" he says

"So going behind your brothers back doesn't mean shit to you" I say

"What are you talking about? I'm not going behind your back I did it infront of you and why not?" he says

"You know I like her... You know that I have something with her" I say

"Thiago no I don't know.... you didn't ask her to the formal but you like her oh so much anyways not that I owe you this but me and her are going as friends I promise you that" he says

"Matias she said she's wants to walk out of my life for good and  maybe I don't want to just be her friend" I say

"Thiago if you like her you need go show her but keeping her a secret is only screwing everything over" Matias says

"How? when you are taking her during the formal and I don't know how to do that" I say frustrated

"You need to figure that out yourself but start there at the formal figure it out" he says

"I wanted to ask her Matias I was planning on it" I say

"Sure you were I guess you snooze you loose" he says and walks out

I'm so beyond pissed I don't know what else to feel and I don't know what to do all I do know is seeing them together all night hell no I won't tolerate it at all. Nell does not belong with my brother that's for sure

Nell POV

I get to the mall before everyone which is surprising to me so I'm sitting down waiting having a smoothie when someone pulls up a chair and I think it's Amaia but it's not its missy with a smile on her face

"Um hello Missy can I help you?"
I ask confused to why she would be here sitting with me

"Yes I actually wanted to talk to you at school but yiu zipped right out before I could catch you" she says

"Um okay yeah I had to meet people here" I say trying to give her the hint to leave

"Oh well it's short I'll be in my way soon I wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about me and Thiago I know he likes you and don't worry I won't tell anyone" she says

"What do you mean? You aren't going to hurt my feeling I know your his date so have fun together" I say

"I'm gay Nell I like girls I haven't come out yet to anyone and my parents have been hounding me everyday of what guy I'm taking and I was crying the other day and Thiago found me and we both agreed to go with each other he's doing me a favor he said he did have someone in my mind but will help me out"  she says

"So your each other's cover?" I say

"Well yes and no I don't think he should cover liking you or that he really wants to but I need a cover I'm not ready to come out I dont care about my friends because if they don't support me well I don't need them any way but my parents will cut me off and I need go graduate and find a job first" she says

"I'm sorry for you Missy that sucks but yeah your friends well I don't know but they don't seem to stick by and thanks for telling me" and Amaia arrives

"Yeah I need new better ones hopefully I'll see you both around, hi Amaia" she says and walks away

"What was that?" Amaia asked

"A weird conversation that's for sure" I say

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