Chapter 17

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After tonight my head is all over the place but I shut it down and head in the shower and then go straight to bed another week of school just great. It's been a long ass week and I wake up in the morning thanking God it's Friday and head downstairs and my parents are downstairs in the kitchen and my mom starts like always

"Hi baby girl here's your food any plans for the weekend?" she ask

"Thanks and no Not that I know of" I say then look down and at least see it's egg whites turkey bacon and avocado with one toast on the side

"Why don't you have a sleepover with Amaia?" she ask

"Why do you want me out of the house?" I ask

"Because I may have heard from a little birdy that there's a party tonight or tomorrow" she says

"And that has to do with me and Amaia why and how would you know what's going on in college" I ask

"Well I am friends with their mothers and it's hard to not know about your best friends sons going to a party" she says

"Okay mom good for you but I'm not going and I'm going bounce before I'm late for bio Chem" I say and wave out the door

I drive and I honestly like days like today where I have less classes and I have a majority of my classes close or with Amaia and Thiago I guess but we haven't talked all week which I hate to say bothers me but brings me delight

I park and see my best friend waiting for me with a coffee thank God I just got even more exhausted driving here

"Hey girl looking good as always" she says handing me the cup of savior

"Girl you don't have to lie to me but thanks for this especially since I'm off too BioChem" I need it I say

"So there is a way of making it up to me for all our coffee runs" she says

"Okay sure hit me" I say

"Come to the party my brother is throwing at the family 2nd home" she says pleading

"Girl what!! And I mean don't we need to be invited and why I hate parties they're horrible I mean i didn't get invited in high school but I heard the horror stories and the stories about how I would never fit in" I say

"Girl fuck that and it's my parents house too and I invited my best friend which is you so now say we you will go" she says

"I don't even know what to wear I don't have clothes for that" I say

"Girl don't worry you can shop in my closet and we both be looking hot and sexy tonight so please, please, please say yes" she begs

"Fine as long as you stop whining I  can't take it this early love ya I'll be late and miss too much" I say then pull the door for class

"Okay meet me straight out after classes so we can bounce we have to look super hot and hang out" she texted me

Hours later I finished all my classes and walk out to call my mom to let her know what I'm doing and of course she's happy and loving it and just happened to mention how she is currently at Amaia house day drinking so she will see us get ready and I'm already annoyed great

I walk heading to my car where Amaia is leaning against it and we hop in my car and drive to her place

"Tell me how my mom is already at your place waiting for us she always around annoying" I say

"Forget all about it and let me help you make you see the bad bitch you are" Amaia says

"Girl please I'll let you do my make up and help me find an outfit but not all that you are talking about" I say

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