Chapter 32

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I roll my eyes as I look at him and walk over and grab his hand and walk him over to the couch to sit down

"Thiago what the hell do you think you are doing?" I ask him

"I'm just trying to hang out with my girlfriend that I bid on" he says

"See that who the hell is your girlfriend we have nothing going on with each other" I say

"Nell I treated you bad by keeping us a secret and I'm tired of it I want to be with you and I know you want the same" he says

"When the hell did you finally come to this realization and you're first thought to tell our parents before me" I say

"Well technically I told Enzo first since he came over asking questions because people saw us hooking up and I can't lie seeing my brother ask you to the dance ticked me off and I didn't want to hide my feelings anymore" he says

"They saw us hooking up wow I never thought that would happen and Thiago why are doing this I'm not your girlfriend" Nell says

"Yes you are princess that's what we want" he says

"First of all you never asked me that question and you said you don't want a relationship it's to complicated and you don't even know how to be a good boyfriend" I say

"I was stupid before and immature who cares about others opinions if it makes me miserable and I'm miserable when you are mad at me or that we can't do anything in public" he says

"Are you doing this because you want me to have sex with you because that makes you one fucking dumbass idiot" I say

"I don't want to have sex with you Nell I want to make love to you thats what you deserve not some quick trashy fuck" he says

I'm stunned this man did not just say that to me is he high I think to myself

"I'll see Thiago this is a total 360 and I'm not about to be made fun because of you so I'm gonna watch you" i say

"Sure princess you can watch me but I'm still going to be your boyfriend Nell you can try to fight it but just like I want you you want me too" he says and smashes his lips over mine

"You drive me crazy Nell and I want to be with you all out and open" he says

I look at his eyes and it's like he being Honest and He takes my hand and we go dance on the dance floor 

The rest of the night goes smoothly if you don't think of the Bomb that Thiago dropped
When it's finally time to go I'm so happy because having everyone asking questions and Thiago words still in my head I feel like I'm going to explode

When I reach my parents I see dad is super excited about finally leaving

"Nell sweetheart are you ready to leave!" dad ask

"Actually dad yes i am thanks for asking" I say to him

"Oh nonsense I'm sure Nell wants to be dropped of by her boyfriend" mom says

"No mom I'm good Thiago is taking Matias ill leave with you guys" I say

"Anyways I'll pick up Nell tomorrow for the pool party" Thiago says

"Yes Nell I can get to know this special girl dating my son Thiago" dad says

"Yes I'll be there tomorrow" I say and I look at Thiago knowing he set this up now he doesn't want to go a day without seeing me

We go in the car and I'm already tired and ready to crash and my mom starts talking

"Sweetie I'm so happy for you  and Thiago why didn't you tell us?" she says

"Mom because I knew you'd be annoying about it and I didn't know if we're going to tell people" I say

"You wanted it to be a secret relationship how cute!" she says

"Alright well we're home so goodnight parental" I say

I walk upstairs to my room and my phone starts ringing  and I pick it up thinking it's Amaia

"Hey girl can we talk about this crazy day" i say

"Sure babe we can talk about anything you want" Thiago voice says through the line

"Thiago why are you calling me?" I ask

"Well I wanted to make sure you are alright and that I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about tomorrow" he says

"Well I was surprised to hear about it but I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I say

"It'll be fun I promise and I want  to spend time with you and my dad's family friends coming since he hasn't been home for a while" he says

"Yeah okay well I'm tired so see you tomorrow" I say and hangup on him I really don't get this I think and drift off to sleep 

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