Chapter 36

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Once my test is done I walk out and go on a hunt to find Amaia she should be here and I finally see sitting with two coffees and she waves

"Hey girly pop I feel like I haven't seen you in years here's your coffee how was the test?" She asked

"It was fine I'm sure lowest I got was a B so I'm good just tired" I say

"Okay now to the good part what did you do after the party" she says winking

"Well we left and then drove to his place well that his grandparents left for him and he prepared us dinner with romantic lighting and my favorite pasta" I say

"Oh my God that is so romantic I can't believe Thiago did this I'm so happy for you girly" she says

"Yeah I was in shock and he did it while I was taking forever to get there because of my parents" I say,

"Aww he was really thinking about you his grandmother though she's so annoying I'm sorry for what she is doing" she says

"Yeah but like he says what she wants doesn't matter and he said that he would never like the other girl and never did and he told me they hooked up but meant nothing to him so I'm choosing to trust him" I say

"Good choice trust builds a relationship so what else happened? " she asked

"I had sex with him" I blurt out

"Yassss wayyyy how was it tell me everything!" she says

"It was great I mean he made me cum twice I didn't think that would happen my first time he was super sweet and gentle" I say

"I'm so happy and so the rumors are true he's good" she says

"Yes I mean i don't like hearing abour his dick game from others but he is packing and knows how to work it i can't wait to do it again honestly if we get the chance too" I whisper

"What do you mean by chance he's your man you can get dicked down by him whenever you want" she says

"I know but I couldn't talk him Amaia this morning I mean i overslept so we both bolted to get me here on time and I couldn't get words out in the car to talk about last night because I kind of didn't want to hear his answer" I say

"Nell Thiago wasn't going to dump you did he say anything at all?" She asked

"He asked me for a kiss before I left I almost didn't thinking it'd be awkward and then he made sure I stayed so he can pick me up he asked me to stay and not go home" I say

"Well then he wants you Nell I could've told you that look at all he's done" she says

"Don't get me wrong I know he wants me I mean i know my worth and if he didn't to hell with him I just have to keep telling myself that I can trust him in everything" I say

"That's understandable it's hard but he hasn't proved to be worse so be in the moments and he couldn't be with anyone hotter and speaking of man coming in"   she says

I smile and nod and then feel Thiago body next to mine and his hands on my waist

"Hey baby" he says and kisses my lips and turns to Amaia

"Hey Amaia good to see you!" he says

"hey Thiago you too i see you are happier then ever" she says and i cut her side eye and she laughs

"i have been lately well i would say since after the formal charity event" he says

"oh btw my brothers been looking for you" she says

"yeah i know i straight passed him and the boys while walking here im sure they'll catch up before i leave" he says

"why did you just walk past your friends?" i ask

"i was trying  to find you not them they could wait i wanted to make sure you didn't leave" he says

"i told you i would stay!" i say

"i know baby thanks and i was excited to see you ive seen them my whole life" he says

"i love this for you guys but here comes your squad!" amaia says and we turn around

"hey man thanks for walking past us when we called you!" Stephan said

"i told you he was looking for his woman" Enzo says hitting stephan

"yes i was and found her so now whats up thats so important?" and he tightens his grip on my hand

"well we miss you man we need to hangout make time for your boys but we get it" Stephan says

"Stephan just jealous he doesn't have a girl but we wanted to make sure your going to the Party this weekend you know!" Enzo says

"i don't know man I'm not really feeling it!" he says

"is this the fraternity party that's coming up!" i say

"yeah you heard about it it's going to be a total rager" Stephan says

"Thaigo just go hangout with them" i say

"Nell babe i don't want to really especially if you're not there i'd leave after 5 minutes" i say

"i'll go with amaia I'll meet you there you can help the boys set up" i say

"yeah dude gives us time to hang!" Enzo and Stephan says and thiago takes my hand and walks to the side

"are you sure i rather just hang with each other, and we didn't talk don't think i don't know what you were doing this morning Nell" he says

"yes hangout with the guys i promise I'll come with amaia and then we can hang and what do you mean about this morning" i say nervously a little

"Last night babe was special for me too, i've never been with someone and that intense and i don't plan on stopping we are together and are staying together i'm not running" he says

"i just didnt know how to act you know after the act but it was amazing to me too i just didn't want to scare you away okay or make it seem like I'm trying to cling on to you" i say

"babe you are not going to your not tying me down i want to be here i like what's happening but as for that stupid frat party I'll go but I'm gonnna be waiting till you get there so please don't take years and we're adults you can talk to me about what you feel" he says

"you are right I'll come to you next time and talk you are my boyfriend and why you don't want to get snatched up by those bunch of girls" say laughing

"i do want to get snatched by my fineass girlfriend which is you so better hurry" he says

"whatever go tell your buds and lets go i have to get home at some point today" i say

"alright be right back" he says and i finish talking to amaia before we leave

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