Chapter 8

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I walk in class and remember when I said I was trying my best to not see him well I was wrong.... He's in my classes

So I walk to my seat with my head down trying my best to go unnoticed but not working everyone in class is paying attention except Thiago he keeps trying to get my attention and it's driving me insane. I just keep my eyes on my text book and don't look up because I really don't have an excuse of why I'm avoiding him except that this whole situation sucks ass
45 minutes later the bell finally rings and I get up and grab my stuff and I decide to hide out in the bathroom to get my nerves in check and I look down at my phone and I know the bell is going to ring in a minute but teacher really don't care here so I relax and make sure the bell rings meaning everyone will be in class so I'll be in the hallways by myself so I gather my items and walk out and see Thiago leaning on the wall.. God someone just end me already

"Princesa you really think I care about being late to class that's funny" he chuckles

"I wasn't even pay attention to you    I just needed to use the bathroom" I say looking at the floor

"Really I tried getting your attention all class and then conviently you go the bathroom knowing our next class is not together" he says

"What is that you want from me Thiago because this is nonsense" I say with attitude

"Let's skip class" he says nonchalantly

"Are you nuts my mother would kick my ass I don't live like you where there's no issues" I say

"You'd like to piss off your parents right? Well take this as the perfect opportunity" he says

"True will you leave me alone if I skip with you this time" I ask

"Come on princesa follow me" he grabs my arms and we start walking

"You don't have to keep dragging me I can walk myself you know" I say

"Can't have you running back to class so come on!" he says

We walk for a good 10 minutes and I'm already tired and getting annoyed this is so freaking stupid
Where are we going I ask

"The private practice field" he says

"Wtf is that what if there's people there" I ask

"There won't be only working adults at our college can go in there and they're currently in school working" he shrugs his shoulder

"Um have you noticed we're not adults who work atv the school or what you don't care?" I say

"I really don't care and my dad owns it so they won't do crap" he says and we walk in

"I really don't care and my dad owns it so they won't do crap" he says and we walk in

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"Mhm this is pretty nice" and I sit on one of the bleachers

And he just stands and stares at me

"So what has you wanting to shed a few pounds?" he ask

"Pft I don't want to i like the way I am but clearly it's not good enough for my parents" I say annoyed

"Well you gotta lose a few" he says

"What excuse you asshat I'm not obsese and if I'm so disgusting for you to look at don't stare" I yell

"Whoa, whoa calm down princesa I'm not saying you need to I'm saying because I need to get paid so we have to make it seem like it"
he says

"I can care less that you want to get paid I'm not going to loose weight, I don't want to loose weight" I say

"Hun I can care less if you don't want to loose weight don't but we both could try to get something out of it" he says

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask completely lost

"Have you ever hooked up with a boy princesa" he ask

"Why the hell is that any of your business" I say

"Just wondering is that why you were flirting with Clark.... I'm telling you won't be impressed" by him he says

"No I wasn't flirting with Clark he was just a nice guy and why wouldn't I be impressed" I ask

"Clark is small I've heard various times and he apparently doesn't know what to do and is very selfish and that's not what you want or need" he says

"That sounds like just you being an asshole what would you know" I say

"Why do you keep calling me an asshole?" He ask

"You just scream it you're over confident and say rude things" I say

"There's nothing wrong with being confident and just because I am doesn't make me an asshole" he says

"Mhmm I beg to differ" I say

"Please even though I'm this supposed asshole you still want to hook up with me"   he says

"You wouldn't want to hook up with me so whats the point" I tell him

"Who said i wouldn't I think we should! " he says shrugging

"What???" I say

"So now let's figure out how to make this work where I get paid and we have fun" he says

I just sit and look at him completely confused how did we end up here

"Meet me after school got it princesa okay" he says

I look up and nod my head and we both head our separate ways

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