Chapter 41

467 41 4

1 year later

Today is the day where me and Thiago get married I can't believe it I'm so excited we start our life together and today is the last day I have to hear about wedding planning from my mother and his mom I can't take it anymore so it's finally over and I couldn't be happier

"Oh honey are you excited today is the big day!" my mom says as my make up is being done

"Yes mom but I'm more excited of going on my honey moon and never hearing about wedding plans again" I say

"Oh honey today is going to be lovely and perfect we have done and planned every little moment and detail" she says

"I know mom and that's what has me going crazy and I can't wait to escape and just relax with my husband on our honeymoon" I say

"Aww Pearl we can't blame her I don't know about you but I kept praying for my wedding night to be over to way to much spotlight and attention" Thiago mom says

"I mean i loved the attention but I did want to skip to honey moon for a private fun games that me and your father loved playing" my mom says

"Mom please you are too old to speak of you and daddy's sex life"
I say rolling my eyes

"Well our healthy sex that's what brought you into this world so you should be grateful for that!" she says

Once done with a few laughs my make up is finally over and I head to other room to change into my dress

I see Amaia grabbing my wedding dress while my mom helps me get the vail and then I stand and they help me put it on and they all smile at me and my mom has tears in her eyes

"Aww baby girl you take my breath away" my mom says

"Nell Thiago is going to be in tears you look stunning I'm so happy you are going to be my daughter in law" Thiago mom says

"Bestie you look beautiful I'm so happy to celebrate this day with you" Amaia says

"Thank you I'm thankful to have all of you here" I say hugging them

"Alright let's get my beautiful baby girl married why don't we?" Dad says and I walk to hug him

Thiago mini pov

I'm fixing my tie and my dad and Matias are sitting in the chair next to me

"Wow little bro is getting married I honestly can't believe it" Matias says

"How do you feel son? On my wedding day I was so excited the best part is getting the first glimpse of your bride" he says

"i'm excited i know she's the one i love and i cant wait to see how beautiful she looks but i'm not going to lie this formal suit sucks so annoying" i say

"i'm in shock that you walk down the aisle before me but i'm so happy you are with Nell shes great for you" matias says

"thanks i mean as stupid as it was i guess if you didn't ask my woman to be your date i wouldn't of stopped being a dumbass and lost her" i say

"see i told you some day you'd say i did the right thing" matias says laughing

"okay boys lets go we have to get Thiago married lets be on our way to the reception hall" Dad says

"this is going to be extravagent wedding right since mom and Pearl planned it" Matias says

"i mean they said it will be the way we wanted it but with them as my our parents im sure it will" i say

and we go into the limo and in 15 minutes were at the recepetion hall and we walk out and i pull the door and let my dad inside and as me and matias are about to go in when i hear screaming so i turn around

and see kylie running towards me with lola trying to grab her behind and i roll my eyes

"Thiago i need you to listen to me please" kylie begs

"just ignore her Thiago she's lost her mind" Lola says and matias laughs

"Kylie what could you possibly want on my wedding day!" i say rolling my eyes

"you can't marry her thiago shes not good for you i'am you cant tell me you never felt anything between us she doesnt and isnt capable of being the woman for you" Kylie says

"Kylie how would you know you know nothing by her and she is amazing and i love her we were never going to be anything not even when we were 5 years old playing on the playground" i say

"i can't be happy nor live without you Thiago i wont be ill lie i promise so eihter you cancel this wedding or I'll tell her I'm pregnant" she says

"what the fuck is wrong with you Kylie and why would Nell believe you i can't even remember the last time i slept with your ass you are one sicko bitch for trying to ruin my wedding day" i say

"she'll believe me because i have this ultrasound in my hand to show her shes insecure Thiago im sure shell believe it" she says

"Kylie we both know if that ultrasound is real that not my baby so stop fucking playing games" i yell at her

"oh maybe so but we both know Nell wont trust you once she see this and oh look here she comes
ohh Nell.... Nell" she screams and i chase after her not today today was supposed to be about me and the woman i love

"Kylie what the hell do you want?" Nell ask

"why don't you ask Thiago he knows" she say smuggly like she has something to say

"why would i ask him when you ran to me so just fucking say it already" i say with attiutde

"i don't think you want to marry Thiago when hes gonna become my baby daddy here look at my ultrasound now cancel this shit and let us be" she says

i see Nell grab it and look at it and im speechless is she going to believe her i cant lose Nell i love her i need her but then i see her laugh

"Kylie i wish you luck with this baby because the child definitely does need a good mom and you need alot of growth but i don't know how much of an idiot you think i am but i know that baby isn't thiago becasue hes with me every night and we communicate well i know my man and he'd never do this to me so i wish you luck but i have a wedding to get too" she says handing the ultrasound back to Kylie and she takes my hand and we walk in to the reception hall hand in hand and i pull her to the corner

"Nell baby i love you thank you!" i tell her and tears stream down my face

"Why are you crying Thiago?" she ask

"Because I love you and you look beautiful you take my breath away and for a split second I thought I was going to lose you and our future that I envisioned" I tell her

"Thiago i trust you and i know you would never cheat on me you've should me how great of a man you are and how great of father you will be you show me love everyday" she says

"wait what but i'm not her baby dad i promise Nell i would never and I don't have kids I'm confused" i say

"i know Thiago i'm talking about our baby i'm pregnant" she says

"what oh my god were gonna have a baby Nell baby how long did you know im so excited i love you à little you and me nothing more perfect" i say and kiss her and kiss her stomach

"i've known for a month its been hard keeping a secret but i wanted to tell you on our happiest day i hope you happy that our family is growing" she says

"my happiest is day is everyday with you baby thank you and now I'll have a piece of me and you of our love now lets get married" he says

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