Chapter 42

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I'm waiting outside down the aisle with my dad Thiago just went in to stand at the end along with his brother and best friends.

Are you ready baby girl you look beautiful I can't believe the day has finally come and I'm walking you down the aisle he says with tears

"Aww daddy I love you and yes I'm ready but I'll always be your baby girl this doesn't change that" I say and we hug and the doors open and we start walking down and my eyes connect straight with Thiago and he's crying trying to wipe the tears streaming down his face and I smile then we reach the alter and my dad hands me over to Thiago and he kisses my cheeks and walks over and stand next to my mom and me and Thiago stand facing each other holding hands

The priest then does the ceremony and I look around and smile seeing how nice it is to be gathered with family and friends now it's time for the vows and Thiago looks at me and caresses my hands as he begins to speak

Nell when I see you I see how far we've come as a couple and the love we've built but I also see the growth in me you made me a better person. You made me realize love is real and that being with person you love is really the best part of your day. Nell you are beautiful inside and out and I love you so much I can't picture my life without you. I don't know how many times I said this but I'm sorry I was an idiot but almost losing you gave me a good lesson that I needed because I wasn't the man you deserved but I feel like km finally worthy of you thank you for loving me he says and I wipe my tears

Thiago when we first met there's few things I thought about you how beautiful you are and how much I actually wanted to get to know the real you. We came together in a weird way but I'm glad we did. I know the real you and being with you have shown me how great of a man you are and how much love you deserve because when you love you love hard and admire that of you I'm so excited to start this journey being your wife and for you to be my husband I love you and always will I say

And our friend and family cry and you can here awws and I can here my mother crying. The priest then ask if we take each other hand in my marriage

" I do" Thiago says and the priest officially declares us husband and wife and we kiss

"Definitely one of my favorite parts" he says

"What kissing you are too much sometimes" I say laughing

"No finally having you as my wife officially but of course the kissing too" he says winking and smashing his lips against mine and we walk down the aisle hand in hand and head to the limo to go to the reception so do our bridal party and Thiago grabs my hand

"How are you feeling?" Thiago ask smiling

I'm so happy can you believe we're married I say to him

"Yes because I've seen us like this for a while baby and I'm super happy too" he says and the limo parks and the driver lets the party out first and then we join hand in hand

We walk in and the wedding party starts going out first and I look around and it's beautiful the decor our moms really got the ideas and they all came to real life

We walk in and the wedding party starts going out first and I look around and it's beautiful the decor our moms really got the ideas and they all came to real life

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