Chapter 12

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"Hey princesa how are you?" He ask

"I'm alright and you?" i ask being nice

"Have you touched yourself yet" he blurts out

"Thiago you can't say stuff like so blunt" I say and put the volume down

"Why not are you that scared" he says

"No people could be walking around and hear what you said like my parents" I tell him

"So like people our age don't hook up all the time" he says shurgging

"Not that my mom would believe it, but still maybe it's because you are a man whore" I say

"Who cares if they believe it you allow their opinions to validate you way too much and I'm not a whore" he says

"Did you hear about tomorrow?" I ask wondering

"Of course I did heard you are coming over for dinner" he says

"Yeah so exciting" I say rolling my eyes

"I'm hurt you don't wanna see me princess" he says

"Its not that and not like you'll notice me why do you call me that?" I ask

"I call you princess because I want too and why would I ignore you it'll probably be occupied with Amaia" he says

"Yeah sure we will won't we because in school I see other wise so I'm gonna do hw alright see you tomorrow I guess" I say

"Yeah no problem don't forget to touch yourself and don't even think about lying to me Nell I'll know okay" he says sternly

"Whatever Thiago good bye" I say and, hang up on him and he laughs and winks

I get up and go take a shower and get ready for bed and think to myself I'll be totally fine I don't have to get myself off ill just give him a story and pretend I'm tired anyways I finish get my pj's on and turn off the light and chill in my bed until sleep comes to me
I'm feeling comfortable and having a goodnight sleep when I start dreaming having sexy dreams of Thiago laying next to me and he starts with light touches and then climbs over on top of me and starts kissing down my body I don't even know how but I'm naked and he's teasing me and I'm begging him to put his mouth on me and he chuckles and whispers "don't worry princess I'm about to Go in" I then shoot up and touch around me to make sure it's a dream and I look at the sky knowing damn well I won't be able to sleep if I don't well if I don't give my body the desire it I open my drawer and grab my vibrator and i quickly  take of my bottoms and start with just lightly pressing it against my core while i close my eyes and relax myselft and of course my thoughts go striaght back to Thiago except this time we were kissing his tongue and my tongue dance around each other while his has roamed all over my body from touching my breast and groaping my ass while he tells me my body is amazing and things he wants to do to me he finally brought his hand down to my vagina and started playing with my clit and a  rush of pleasure zinged through my body i was hot like sweating i screamed out in pleasure "Tell me Nell who does this to you?" as he slows his rythm of his fingers  almost coming to a complete stop "You Thiago only You" i scream and he kisses me hard and  then says the magic words ive been waiting for "Cum for me" he commands and my back arched and my body began to shake as i have my relase.

i scream and my eyes bulge open i can't belive i came that oh man if just from a vibrator and wet dream of thiago does to me imagine if we actually hook up i sigh then relize how fucked i  really am shit!
I clean up and then head to bed and try to put this out of my mind if even possible.

The next morning I wake up and obviously I'm exhausted my thoughts never turned off scenarios just kept replaying and I kept tossing and turning I get up to shower and get dressed and walk downstairs and breakfast is ready for all 3 of us

"Good morning Nell" mom and dad says

"Hello good morning" and I sit with them and look around and we're all having egg whites and one regular bacon and one turkey bacon so still on this healthy stuff but I guess dad told her if I'm on it we all are! At least

"So remember sweetie we are having dinner with Thiago family so please come home on time I don't like to be late" mom says

"You'll be extra on time if I stay home" i say

"Good one but no you will be attending so don't even try to do anything to make it not happen Nell" mom says

"Alright I'm leaving Ill see y'all later good bye parents" I say and walk out

I get in and start to drive the plan today avoid telling Thiago what happened last night and just being seen by Amaia hopefully I can make that happen

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