Chapter 16

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We finally get downstairs and now are outside on the patio with the parents which is so boring

"So Thiago do you and Nell have any classes together?" my mom ask

"Yeah we do we have P.E., bio chemistry and our free period at the same time" Thiago answers

"Oh so how great an attractive young man and smart" my mom says

"Mom seriously" I say annoyed like she's just too much

"What hunny I mean it's true and you are smart too I mean i know Spanish has been a struggle for you but you are intelligent" she says

"So mom, dad is it time to go home?" I say

"Hunny the night is young and we're having fun" my mom says

"How about I take you home?" Thiago says

"And I'll drive you" Matias says to Amaia

"Sounds good to me" Amaia says

"Whatever sure bye parents" I say and they both wave  

We get into Thiago car and start driving off

"So I think your parents like me that's cool" Thiago says

"And why is that cool?" I ask

"I mean incase they ever find out that I'm going to and want to deflower and fuck their daughter like crazy or should I say a whose supposed to be helping you in Spanish and working out but I'll helping you work out by being balls deep inside of you" Thiago says

"You are a guy with such great words Thiago" I, say

"Why thanks now tell, me is your house to the right or left?" he ask

"Turn left and then second house on the right" I say

"Cool place your parents bought" he says

"Yeah my mom was so serious on moving but it had to be her dream home so here it is" I say,

"So you gonna show me the private tour of your house?" he ask

"Uhh I wasn't planning to but sure" I say and he hops out of his car and we walk in and he has look around

"Cool the interior is nice I honestly didn't think this would be your mom's style I was expecting pink and white everywhere" he Says

"Its mostly my parents combined my dad said if he has to move to Europe he'd have a say on the house decor" i say

"Cool now how about I see your bedroom" he smirks

I walk up and he follows behind and smacks my ass and I push him a little then finally open the door to room

I walk up and he follows behind and smacks my ass and I push him a little then finally open the door to room

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"Nice honestly I did not expect your room to look like this" thaigo Say

"Why what were you expecting?" I ask

"Pink, stuff animals, posters typical girls stuff but not this I dig it nice and chill" then he turns toward the bed and taps it so this is where the magic between us will happen he says

"Well I don't what type of girls you been fucking but yeah I'm not like them, thats not my style and um no who said we'd be fucking here" I say

"I want you to be comfortable your first time and why not where you feel comfortable enough to pleasure yourself your sanctuary" he says

"I guess I've never thought about it  before speaking of fucking how many people have you been with?" I ask

He just looks at me and shrugs his shoulders "I guess I would say like 10" he says

"I heard around that you have a list of people you've fucked and who you would and wouldn't oh and that obviously you're amazing in, bed" I say

"Really is that what girls are saying about me that's crazy" he says laughing

"I mean that's not surprising I expected you to say you slept with like 20 plus girls" I say

"I mean i don't count per say but I'm not at that number yet I mean i really don't know guys who count" he says

"I mean guys who stick their dick anything of course they don't keep track" I say

"Well I don't fuck everything that walks and lemme guess princess are you a virgin" he asked

"I mean what do you expect yeah I am i planned on having a college experience until my mother hijacked it soo yeah I am" i say

"Well not for long huh" he says with a, wink

"Mhmm who knows maybe we will maybe we won't thinks its time for you to go my parents texted their on the way home" I say

"Alright princess walk me down" he says smacking my ass and we walk down

And I walk, him out to his car and he opens the door turns toward me no kiss princess? He asked

"I'm, not your woman Thiago so I don't owe you a, kiss" I say

"Right but you want to and so do I so let's indulge" he smirks

I roll my eyes and peck his lips really quickly and walk back inside and wave and he drives off

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