Chapter 5

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The coach blows his god forsaken whistle 

"Alright you guys know the drill get to running" he yells

I groan and start cursing under my breath
And turn to Amaia

"How many laps do we have to do" I ask her

"Four laps no stopping unless you want him to blow the whistle near your ear and lemme tell you from experience that crap hurts trust me" she says and starts running

"Move fatties" some girl says pushing us
"Now there's 2 like one wasn't enough" the other friend says

"Vete a la mierda" Elena and Brielle
And the barbie dolls roll their eyes

"I guess that meant fuck off well deserved" I say and we both laugh

By lap number two I feel like I'm dying like for real I'm in so much pain and we have to do two more and I have no idea how I will finish Amaia keeps trying to motivate me

"Look the fattys can't finish" Enzo says

"Enzo get out of here! girls come on keep running you got this" coach yells

And we continue running we're on the last stretch of lap number 4 when we're finally done I'm dying sweating like crazy so is Amaia

"Look at the fatty sweating like pigs fitting huh" Brielle says

Then Thiago start walking over putting on his read t-shirt but I can see his body even unfocused he looks amazing why are some people so blessed

Then Thiago start walking over putting on his read t-shirt but I can see his body even unfocused he looks amazing why are some people so blessed

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"Thiago did you see my sister and her fat friend running to funny they're out of breath" Enzo says laughing

Thiago looks straight at me

"What's got you so speechless princesa" Thiago whispers

I roll my eyes and go into the locker room I can't take this shit and I just slide down and sit on the floor

Once I'm inside tears start to slip because I'm so angry and frustrated

And Amaia comes sit next to me and puts her arms around my shoulder

"Hey don't listen to them they're just jealous and stupid that we got actual bodies" she says

"Sometimes I wonder why I cant be perfect like my mom or them why I was cursed like this did I need to suffer like they don't understand like I want to look like this" I say

"You are perfect Nell just the way you are I promise sometimes people tease us because they want us" she says

"Yeah right your brother or the perfect Thiago want me so bad" I say rolling my eyes and laughing

"You never know okay let's just push their stupidity aside I'm going through it with you now let's show those skinny pathetic bitches we better" Amaia says getting up and holding her hand out for me to get up and we walk out

And the coach is blowing his whistle to line up because we are playing dodgeball that god forsaken game shouldn't exist

"Well I'm going to get picked last like always" Amaia says and I nod with her because so will I

When I'm standing against the wall Thiago passes in front of me and smirks

"Hint try to watch around you so you don't fall princesa"
But I can't seem to say anything because I'm lost in looking at his face and his shirt that keeps riding up a little.... How can someone look so good

"My eyes are up here don't get lost now princesa" he whispers

And I snap out of it and look at him so confused why is he calling me that I may not be fluent in Spanish but definitely know that word

Two boy are picked too be team captains and pick whose on the team one is Thiago of course and the other I have no idea but he's absolutely good looking what's up with the men here so not fair I turn to Amaia to ask who he is and she looks at me and whispers

"That's Santiago he's also friends with my brother and Thiago but he's actually pretty nice probably because he was friends with Thiago older brother whose very nice then became okay with them" she says

When I look at him I feel eyes on me and I turn to see Thiago eyes on me but with a confused look his face mhmm I wonder what he is thinking

When names start being called of course the most superficial and predictable people were chosen now its left with me and Amaia and 2 nerds

When Santiago picks Amaia before everyone Else I'm surprised she gets off the wall and walks over some girls start snickering and he turns towards them and tells them to shut it and my eyes go wide because of shock then of course

"Always a softy huh Santi" Enzo ask and Thiago chuckles

"Fuck off you need to learn to be a better sibling and stop caring what others think and stop trying to be accepted by everyone" Santiago says
And Enzo walks off too cool down

Then I'm looking at the guy next to me he looks super nice maybe I should try to talk to him some time Amaia hasn't said anything bad about him and as I'm looking he turns towards me and waves

Then my name is called by Thiago and I walk over

And then the game starts I walk all the way to back because honestly getting hit by a ball is not something I need right now I just want to disappear I see Amaia and she's pretty good catching balls from everyone who tries to hit her I walk slowly over to her being careful to not get hit

"How do you do that" I ask

"Oh girl with this game it's either catch it or get it and made fun of no thanks" I learned early on she explains

Next thing I know a ball ends up infront of me right when I'm about to walk and I trip because it to late then as I'm lying on the ground two girls hit me at the same time one in the stomach other on the head oww

"Hey stop that she's down and you see that stop  being bitches" Amaia yells and finally the coach blows the whistle

"Hey Nell are you okay" she ask helping me up

I can barely hear her over the laughs and taunts

"Other then the embarrassment and my ankle throbbing I'm good" I say

"Come on let me help you to the bench don't worry they'll get something" she whispers  when she finally drops me and gets back to the game

The game starts again only having 3 people on each side the 2 bitches who hit me and the nice guys on the other side and Amaia, Enzo and Thiago

Amaia picks up the ball and waste no time and gives two hard headshots to the girls and they go straight to floor and crying I know that hurt

"Next time don't take fucking advantage and make fun of others not funny when it's you huh bitches" she yells

"Amaia calm down or sit but good throw"   the coach yells 

She flips the girl off and sits next to me

"Well that made me feel better Thanks" I say

"No problem I hate them girls like that think life is easy just because they're skinny and you would've done the same for me" she says

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