Chapter 23

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The next day I eat breakfast and I headed to the mall with Amaia since we didn't have one class till 2 in the afternoon we didn't really shop just hung and walked around and people watched them we headed over to the college of course first person I spot is Thiago but I didn't look at him still annoyed so I wont even look his way as hard as he tries to get my attention im still in a very bad mood i'm tired of not being good enough for people with everything i do the only ones who dont ask more from me are my dad and amaia.... and im over it Thiago doesnt ask but i know why he wont come out in the open and say im the one he wants to date its because of my body and honestly thats so dumb and my mom who cant accept me as her daughter because she was a model and im in the way of a reflection of that is so stupid  so she wants me to be skinny and learn spanish so i can fall in love with the perfect spaniard i swear i dont know what fairytale this woman lives in but she is crazy needs to be checked at this point because i will never be skinny my body is made for it never has been its not like i woke up one day and was like this ive always been heavier and i dont hate it honestly 

once these dumb classes are finished i head out and go home because thats all i want to do today is not a good day and i just want to hide and take a hot shower when i get home my dad is already gone and my mom is on her way out she packing up

"hi honey  i have a few errands to run so i wont be home till late I'm leaving in like 10 or 15 minutes" she says

"okay mom see you later" is all i say and head up to my room i don't even look at her

i turn on the shower and let it get hot and start getting undress and just keep having thoughts going through my mind like why is it so hard for my mom to not be proud that i never get in trouble or get good grades maybe not all A's but i never have gone below a C no matter what but no not enough because i dont resemble a beauty queen fucking stupid i wonder if she was perfect and good at school i have to ask grams when she visits

I just wish she would completely be proud of who I am everything about me and not try to change things here and there about me what she does not understand it strains my relationship with her and she wonders why I'm not her best friend or come to tell her my feelings she's so annoying like pick a side woman you can't have both

I start to put shampoo on my hair but I could've sworn i heard some noise but I push it and continue and start to rinse the shampoo out of my hair
Until I hear a knock and then the bathroom knob start to open and I roll my eyes because here she comes

"Mom I know you are leaving bye have fun with dad later" I say

"Uh princess it's me Thiago" and he peaks in

"Thiago what the fuck.... No turn around I'm in shower naked" I scream

"Nell is that supposed to scare me you know it does the complete opposite I want to see you" he says

"Fuck no get out!!!!" I say

"Okay I'll wait on the bed out here for you" he says

Ughh.... Okay I hurry and finish getting cleaned to realize that I didn't get my clothes because I was by myself before and only have a robe oh well I guess

I get out and see him just laying on my bed way to comfortably and his shirt raised up a, little so I can see his abs

"Nice robe anything under there?" he ask

"How about non of your business and how did you get in here?" I ask

"Sorry... When I got here your mom was on her way out and let me in" he says

"Of course she did, did she ask questions about you being here" I say

"Not really I just told her that we were hanging out tonight and she said enjoy she had errands then a date with your dad" he says

"Okay... So why are you here because I had no plans to see you at all" I say folding my arms

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said it was wrong and hurtful I also would like to show you that you do matter and I'm not an asshole when it comes to you" he says

"Okay Thiago thanks you can go I won't hold it against you" I say

"Actually I was wondering can we hang out I want to be around you princess" he says

"On a Thursday night don't you have plans like usual" I say

"Yes but I canceled them because I want to be here with you let's watch a movie" he says

"Fine let me change" I walk in my closet with a smile and changed into a tank and shorts and walk to my bed where he's laying on his back and I don't know what to do

"So where do you wanna watch this movie?" I ask

"Right here in your bed Nell I promise you I won't bite now come here" he says with open arms

I laydown and we watch movies he also order pizza and cookies we talked and laughed and had I good time I don't even know when we fell asleep

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