Chapter 20

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Thiago pulls up to this empty location but you have to go through a private gate and enter a code he then parks and turns off the car and sits and turns towards me

"so where are we?" i ask

"its private land that my family owns" he says

"oh cool so what do we do now" i ask

"its time for you to relax and enjoy and let me take over from here" he stated

i nod at thiago and just look at him climb over me a little and pull down the lever so that my seat goes all the way down and pushes back closer to the back seats and gets in between my legs and i hold my breath and i can't believe were about to do this i think to my self

"Princess relax were gonna have fun just be in the moment okay" he says

"yeah i'm ready" i say to him

"so do you want me to finger fuck you or tongue fuck you love" he ask

"umm what.. i mean whatever you would like i'm not really sure if im being honest"  i say with my eyes going wide

"princesa the way you look and act so innocent right now make me want to take you right now i'll use both okay" he says

and thiago starts to unbutton my pants and starts to pull my pants my done and stops when he sees my underwear

"whats wrong? do you not want to do this we can stop i ask him nervously and would be hurt to be rejected like this when im basically bare infront of him

"of course i fucking want to princess its just god damn these panties are sexy as fuck its like you wanted  this to happen to and are wearing them for me" he says and smashes his lips against mine

i moan and blush at this same time because this man knows how to get my blood pumping
i stared down at him when he started going down my body and pulled my panties down and i couldnt belive thiago was seeing my private area i almsot wanted to start freaking out again he looks at me again to make sure im good and ready

"lets go thiago lets see how skilled you supposedly skilled you are" i tease

"oh baby im gonna rock your world" he says and finally gives me a first few licks and my toes are already curling thiago chuckles by first reaction and then finally spreads my lips apart and really goes to work

"Baby we are going to need to do this more often because you taste phenmonenal so fucking good" he says

i can't even answer because thiago starts to add his finger and at first i clench but then he puts his tongue back in while then entering me with his finger

"ohh thiago so good" i moan
holy shit princess you are fucking tight he said while pumping his fingers in and out of me

"Thiago" i groaned a little when he teases me and just gives me few teasing licks but then he begans to pump faster and i can feel myself about to erupt because i couldnt handle the sensations any longer and i tried closing my legs but thiago prys my legs open

"no baby i wanna lick this sweat pussy clean thaigo dirty talks and that just sets me off the roof and two more pumps and thiago vigoursly eating me out" i start to cum

"ahh thiago" i say and he licks me clean gives me a kiss and smirks and returns back to his seat

"so did you enjoy yourself" he ask

"yes it was good thanks" i say trying to be as calm as i could

"no problem it was definetley my pleasure babe so can you express more opinions on what you liked?" he asked

"ugh thiago fine it was amazing i honestly cant wait to do it again if we get to okay does that justify your ego" i ask laughing

"oh we definitley will  be doing that more just one lick of you had me hard as a rock babe" he says

"so how many girls have you gone down on mr. so called expert?" i ask

"haha expert thats  a new one and honestly speaking now many i only visit the lady garden for very special people so if you want a number 2 and you are the second one" he says seriously

"well you tested me on how good i am at eating you out we next should see how good the strength in your arm is" he says winking at me

"i bet you'd definitely want to see i noticed the stiff one in your pants" i say laughing and looking directly at his package

"haha funny princess lets get you home its late and im deseperate need of a shower" clearly he says

i start to pull my pants on put stop myself and reach in my bag to grab a different pair of underwear instead of putting my old ones on

"why are you doing that and really girls carry extra pairs for real?" he ask

"wet underwear are very annoying to put back on because its rubs and you feel it especially to me so i do carry just in case" i say

"mhmm and who made you wet princess" he laughs

"gosh you are so annoying you just like i made you hard thiago but wouldnt that make you a chubby chaser like you called others" i ask

"Nell shut that sexy ass of yours before it gets spanked" he says while driving down the home speeding with the music loud and i just look out the window

when we pull up to my place he parks and i'm about to get out but i want to kiss him again so i turn toward him and collide our lips against eachother

"princess you are doing something to me making feel things and i honestly really cant imagine it stopping" he whispers against my lips  and kisses me one more time and i grab my stuff and get out

"bye" i wave at him

"bye Nell" he winks and drives off and i head in

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